Fished Saturday with a group of 5 for an annual father son fishing weekend. We typically take an outing every year to Florida but were unable to this year due to schedule conflicts. Instead we booked Captain Fritz for a day of fishing and I am glad we did. We hooked up with a bakers dozen and got 8 to the boat several of which were very nice bulls. Aside from putting us on the fish, Fritz educated everyone on the boat, on proper care of these large fish, including how to use a de-hooker (for gut hooked fish, we caught several that had other people’s cut off hooks in there gullet), properly hold fish for pictures and the all important revive before release. The majority of my fishing experience is in the creeks in and around the harbor and I have little expert experience with big reds. It was nice to not only catch some quality fish and have a great day with my dad, but also come away with the knowledge of how correctly do it myself.
Can’t catch um with out trying