Bushido Challenge ???

Heading there to let my brother in law give it a try…Anyone on here ever tried it?

Are you talking about the Shaolin Kempo Bushido challenge?

Double D.

It seems like every time I am in there someone is doing the challange. I never really pay too much attention to it though…let us know what happened…


be ready to run him outside to puke as soon as he gets the headband and gift card…

my advice to him is to not drink between the rolls. all it will do is blow up the rice and restart the pain on your taste buds each time.

#4/#5 are fairly tasty. After that, it is just putting poison in your mouth.



Luke 8:22-25

Up date!!! Poor fella made it halfway through wrap number 8 and that was all she wrote…

Forehead beading with sweat he got up walked out the front door and and stood on the sidewalk for two or three minutes…I asked for the check as he made his way to the men’s room and stayed in there until I finally went to check on him.

We headed straight to MacDonald’s where I bought him a couple milk shakes while he did just a phin said only without the headband… Poor guy,its been nearly an hour and he’s just started talking again…

Sounds cool. Might have to give it a try.

I am confused. On Man vs. Food, he both drank milk and used white sauce, but on their rules page it says you can’t. Did Adam get special treatment, or did they change the rules later?

“Banana Pants”
Indigo Bay 170
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

I did it a few months before the man vs food guy. He had it easy as they had all 10 rolls ready for him. They brought them out 2 at a time for us and we had to wait 10-15 minutes before they brought out the next round. I was allowed milk and white sauce, I used the sauce and my buddy the milk. I finished it but I really felt awful for the next 24 hours.

how much does it cost to make yourself miserable?

Fifty bucks,his wraps all came out at once.

I googled this but the only hit was this topic.

This is some sort of eating challenge, I gather?

So, what do you have to do? If anyone has a link, that would be cool too.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Never mind, found it: http://bushidojapaneserestaurant.com/the-challenge/

It’s Seppuku (which means ritual suicide in Japanese) not Shaolin which is some Chinese thing that David Carradine was into right?

Anyway, not my sort of thing. Real Japanese food rarely has, and real sushi never has, spicy / chili stuff. I would rather leave that to Buffalo Wings. :slight_smile:

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Originally posted by capehorn 16

Fifty bucks,his wraps all came out at once.

sure could get a heap of fried chicken from Buckshot's for that money.....and feel a whole lot better in the end.


Originally posted by capehorn 16

his wraps all came out at once.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>
Bet that hurt! :smiley: