Bushy 6-30 and 7-1

Fished first light to around 10am. Had to launch out of Cypress and run down to Bushy area.

Worked a small creek throwing the Savage mudminnow. Top water blow up landing a 27" red. Also picked up a few small bass.
Partner landed a 18" flounder which blew up a swimbait and a few small bass.

Worked a few points on the main channel with little results.

Ran north for more bass fishing. Ended up in the eastern branch and got surrounded by thunderstorms. Had lightning hit so close I jumped and felt a big jolt come down the rod. I looked back and my fishing partner who was standing right next to me on the bow is now all the way in the back of the boat. He felt a good zap too. We decided it was a good time to head in after that.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we were struck by lightning but more a combination of all the energy in the air and the noise when a strike is so near.

Launched at cypress gardens again, ready to run south. Thunderstorm hit right as we were leaving so we hid under the bridge and waited it out. No need to repeat yesterday.

Finally made it down river. Worked the main channel throwing plastics at the bank. Had a bunch of blow ups and landed a few slot reds, 27" red and a few bass.
As tide came in we ran north for more bass fishing. Working an edge we came across a pod of manatees. Pretty cool to see them.
I need a polarized filter for my phone camera. All you can see is glare from the water.

Was rained on 3 times and finally called it.

Water was around 85 degrees. Depending on the location 88 to as low as 83.

Awesome report, glad to read it! I’m jealous of the top water spottail! I’ve only had a few chase my lure with no takers…yet. Good thing you didn’t get hit by that lightning, a guy I worked with had a rod in the boat get hit while he was driving, it fried all the electronics in the truck and boat and made the rod look like some wildass uncombed hair. Pretty sure it was a graphite rod.

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”

Glad to see some fishing reports! Thanks for sharing!

Stump, thats pretty funny, sorry about the guys truck/boat but I would have mounted that rod on the wall! Great story maker.
Definitely nothing to mess around with. Gets real fast.