Bushy Park

Is Bushy as dependant on tides as Copahee or can you get in out all the timeand how is the boat traffic. Now that my son is getting into it looking for somewhere closer to take him. He is 5 and uses a lil spinning rod with a float and grub or doa , figured Bushy maybe alittle easier for him than Copahee.

PS anybody do Capers this past weekend?

If you stay in the cove, tides are very slow moving. Went out this morning boating 8 trout, 1 spottail. The dang bluefish are here again:dizzy_face:
Boat traffic on weekends can get busy, weekdays are nice thou.

The tides at Bushy Park won’t be a problem theres probly 4 ft at the dock at low tide. I would call boat traffic moderate.

Originally posted by cutmullet

If you stay in the cove, tides are very slow moving. Went out this morning boating 8 trout, 1 spottail. The dang bluefish are here again:dizzy_face:
Boat traffic on weekends can get busy, weekdays are nice thou.

I went to one of my good trout spots saturday and got run off by the bluefish. I just about cant afford using gulp but add the blue fish and you would have to rob a bank.

Thanks for the info , I think we will hit it this weekend any advice on parking and or launching?

I tried Bushy Park Sunday, but never launched. I had my son with me and the boat landing’s traffic was so heavy I couldn’t see safety launching from the landing with him. We also tried just down the road, but the tide was out and the mud was a little deep for the two of us. I think launching down from the landing would have worked at high tide or if I was alone. Anyone have a secret launch spot, I hope to try Bushy Park sometime this week after work.

Well, if you want to avoid boat traffic you can put in at Filbin creek off of Virginia Ave. It’s quite a ways downriver from Bushy, but still good fishing to be had within paddling distance.

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

jerms is right.when there is boat traffic like that and a child is along,i would try filbin creek.there is never many if any there,and the creek is great for teaching a kid to paddle,i did with my 2 kids.the good fishing is very close as well…

gots to get out for some trout

I went to Bushy Park today after work and it was a different place. No one was there. With the place to myself, I put in at the landing and paddled out to the creeks to the right as suggested in a previous posting. I ended the day with one good size flounder in the boat. All and all, It was a great trip. Also, it looks like a good place to take the kid after school. That is if he gets his homework done.

jlumb, I will have to take you out to Copahee , not much boat traffic, good for the kids but does take longer to get there from here

weekends are crazy at bushy park, go on the weekdays. even at dead low you still have about 2’ at the landing. lots of creeks to venture but, watch out for the gators!

…but it’s a flat bottom!