Bushy Park

I recently saw an article that had the results of the Berkeley County
feasibility study on Bushy dredging or moving. It was a quick read and now I can’t find it.
Basic info was about 3.4 mil to dredge which would be required to be re-done every 5-7 years or build new, up the road on deep water with 4 ramps and parking for 150 vehicles for about 5.7 mil. I’m not sure I have those costs correct, but to me, a one and done solution makes sense.
I urge all County residents to contact their respective representative an urge a quick response and resolution by building a new deep water ramp.
Even if if Bushy was a viable ramp today, the parking is inadequate for today’s boating pressure. A new expanded facility makes sense for a recreation that is only growing larger.

One of the past Berkeley county managers personally told me after he was voted out, that they had the money in hand to dredge Bushy Park. The money was used for something else, most likely a pet project, or a give away program. The chief engineer at DNR Columbia would not buy off on the dredging. His reasoning made some sense, the channel will fill back in fast because of all the barge traffic, and their is not enough parking, Furthermore, it’s dangerous crossing that road from the parking area.
Several of us have been fighting this issue for years to no avail. Berkeley County turns us into mushroom farmers by feeding us BS and keeping us in the dark.
We need to do a 100,000 people march on the Berkeley County Council meeting to be held on 26 June at 6 PM at 1003 US-52 in Moncks Corner, SC 29461
Check out: webccs@berkeleycountysc.gov
Phone 843-719-4092

I was also told the money was in hand but was diverted to the new overpass over I-26, just beyond Summerville to accommodate new industry. It is hard to argue against job creation, but at the same time, it was approved and ready to go. I’ve used that ramp since it was opened and parking was a problem from day one. The State also has discretionary funds available that has been used to build boat ramps in the upstate in the past. The County has to apply for it.
If a decision was made today to move forward and build a new ramp, I doubt it would be ready until late 2018 and the river current during tide changes on the river are going to ruin a lot of boaters day unless groins are built as well. It can be brutal in places. I know that river well.

Every purchase of tackle that we make as anglers has a hidden, massive 10% tax embedded in it. Its Federal Excise Tax. We pay it every quarter and it stings like crazy. The money goes to the gov’t and comes back to the states to be used for things like water access, conservation, etc etc. Things that we need and benefit US. Gues what happens to it when it goes unclaimed??? Slush fund!

1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”
www.eyestrikefishing.com #predatorsstriketheeye