Do you realize how much money your government just takes from you?
So, I bought a boat out of Florida, where the seller paid his property taxes in 2021. I bring the boat to Charleston and start to get it registered here. I fill out all the paperwork and send it in with my $530 Excise tax check…which is another crooked thing, but we won’t get into that now. The government just has to have its greedy fingers in everything. Columbia sends my paperwork and check back to me saying that I owe property tax on the boat and motor. Wait, the property taxes have already been paid for in 2021. No, South Carolina ALSO wants property taxes. Isn’t that double taxation? I guess its legal because its on the state level? Regardless, it feels dirty.
I know you can’t fight it, but the sheer gluttony that our government displays is disgusting. Not only do I have to pay $850+ just to use my own personal property on public water that I purchased, Florida also got paid a property tax.
“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017