C/P From a friend ; put them all in jail !!!

I for one imho have no doubt that this C/P is about as true as it gets !!!



Wayne Allen Root (WAR) is my neighbor and writes for the Las Vegas Review Journal. Through his written
opinion articles he hosts the Wayne Allen Root Show on the USA Radio Network and on Newsmax TV. The article below pretty well sums it up. Take a look.

Now, let’s discuss why this is happening.

Ukraine donated more money to the Clinton Foundation than China, UK, France, Germany or Saudi Arabia.

Why would all this cash be coming from tiny Ukraine?

Because tiny Ukraine was the recipient of billions of dollars in US-taxpayer funded aid. It’s a million
miles away. No one was watching. Leading Democrats extorted kickbacks on all this US foreign aid.

Democrats under Obama got rich. Democrats treated Ukraine as their personal fiefdom. This is how politics
works in the DC Swamp.

I’ve been writing about the role of the Clinton Foundation for years. It’s my opinion the central role
of the Clinton Foundation is to extort and launder bribes from foreign countries.

But if I’m wrong, why is this US charity based offshore? A charity owes no taxes on donations. So why
not base your bank accounts in the USA?

Because they don’t have to report to the US government what comes in, or where the money is going.
Simple: Offshore = no reporting. The Clinton Foundation could not afford to have anyone look at their books.

In my opinion, Hillary was running her version of the Gambino Crime Family slush fund. Jimmy Hoffa
and the teamsters had nothing on the Clintons. And everyone in the Democrat Party and Deep State got a piece, to insure no one would rat.

Ukraine is the key to this massive Democrat scandal. But Biden was just the tip of the iceberg. This
is all about the Obama and Clinton Crime Families.

I believe Trump’s phone call to Ukraine’s president set off alarm bells. Trump is digging in places
no one ha

Still relevant evidence

Maybe even more Relevant. We’ve sent enough money to Ukraine to make them the 4th or 5th largest Military power in the world. Where is this money going and is all of it making it to Ukraine. We need an Audit to know how our money is being spent. Personally I’d rather my tax dollars go to rebuilding Florida and continuing the Wall than securing Ukraine’s Borders.

Anyone heard from George?