Don Winfield
5 hrs
Oh my. Can you imagine the horror it must be right now to be a globalist in America? Not only are they stuck with a demented money-laundering pervert for their candidate, but they cannot stop that incoherent old woman from flapping her gums about federalizing the election process. They have no choice buy to exhibit their true colors any more. No longer can they hide behind the facade of caring for the citizens.
So bad off they are that they have to remove any potentially lucid candidate and put their best person in as veep expecting their corn-poppin’ tough guy to be 25thd or to simply move on to the afterlife to get the person they want in office.
And their supporters are trying their best to put on a strong face to the public.
And their multiple failed attempts to convince us that Trump is a Russian agent has got them all in a tizzy. Now they want us to believe that due to a $400 investment in a mutual fund that our president is pursuing medical answers to the virus with a drug that no longer has a patent.
Aren’t you globalists MAD yet at your “leadership”? Are you not angry at them for thinking you are some sort of stupid rube, to be used and played at their command? They have been playing you all for fools for years … as you awake to this, are you not PISSED at them? Rhetorical, I know. They COUNT on folks like you believing everything they…and their good doctors … say. (Do you hear me, Dr. Faudci?)
We are witnessing the final crumbling of The Deep State and the globalist wet dream right before our eyes.
But keep on listening to whatever rachel, or seth, or kol-burt, or trevor are telling you. Certainly, they have no dog in this hunt. Certainly their advice and words are objective and not subjective. Certainly they have no bias or interest in the outcome. They are pure as the wind driven snow.
Just know this…when you start to feel that irritating tingle that what you have come to believe is not so … when the first thoughts of “this is BS” start to creep into your