Posted this on MAD site, thought I"d post it here too!!!
Man the cabin fever set in early , think i’ll go throw rocks at the stop sign or something , wife (Gail) said
go fishing but too cold for that , cleaned and oiled all my reels (twice) , thought about sharpening the hooks
in tackle box again but that’ll make 3 times for that , Thought about knitting a set of ear muffs for Stu’s hat
but don’t know how to knit , so I guess rocks at the stop sign it is …
Hope yall had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year ;;;;See ya in the Spring ;;Hope I got enough rocks!!!
Running out of rocks , aim is so bad I can’t go pick them back up (nowhere near stop sign) guess i’ll go to
quarry and get a truck load ;; Did manage to pre-tie up a bunch of drop rigs and made a big bunch of slinky weights for Carolina rigs ;; gonna be a loooong winter!
Got a couple problems with shooting out street lights, ain’t no street lights for awhile around here , and if there was I’d have to
use my 308 or 243 , don’t have a BB or pellet , have to stay with
throwing rocks !!!Winter time sucks !
Hey Fred;
Really nice pic , love the dogs!!!problem is , older I get
the worse the cabin fever gets [:0] body just can’t cash the checks
that my mind wants to write:frowning_face:
Hey Fred;
Really nice pic , love the dogs!!!problem is , older I get
the worse the cabin fever gets [:0] body just can’t cash the checks
that my mind wants to write:frowning_face:
Good point Fred , guess I’m probably just making excuses for just
wanting to go fishing so bad That along with probably
getting a little ( LOT ) lazy[:0]… Gotta get off my azz and go drown
some bait …Thanks for the kick…