Called Comcast today...

“The balance on your account is $0. Would you like to make a payment now? Yes or No.”

Huh??? No, I do not want to make a payment of $0.

was it from a guy named “Bob” who sounded strangely Indian (like from India, not from Kentuhkee)…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

If you dont make that payment they will for sure hit with a late fee… and never tell you about the late fee until creditors start calling.

That’s how comcast rolls buddy!

-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats

Why not, I can afford $0.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I had the most illogical argument with the collections department at Comcast. I owed $0, but I had been sent to their collections department. The girl literally asked if I’d like to make a payment. I said, “Sure, I’ll pay the whole thing off now I guess…”

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

It is a legal requirement that all telephone and cable companies be staffed with incompetent sluggards.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

What’s worse is that this was the AUTOMATED phone system…