Can we talk jackplates?

I have a 201 Scout with a 150 Yamaha.

Is a jackplate really needed and what do you guys suggest?

How do you feel about the ride/performance of your boat?

“…be a man and PM me.”

Is it needed? No. is it nice to have? Oh yeah.

Love the ride… but skinny water has me thinking about a plate

2015 201 Bay Scout
150 Yamaha

find out from the manufacturer if they have put one on your model of boat and talk to the owner. i wouldn’t want to be the pioneer

they help some boats ride and some they screw up.

I echo what P-K said. There are some manufacturers out there that discourage people from adding jack plates to certain model boats. Plus, if you like the ride and performance of your current setup, me personally, I wouldn’t mess with it. s far as skinny water, be mindful of where you’re running and you’ll be fine. If your sole intention for getting a jack plate is for skinny water, to me, that’s not a reason that would push towards buying one. If you’re looking to improve the performance and/or ride, that’s a much more valid reason to consider one. This is simply my opinion.

“…be a man and PM me.”

After you confirm with Scout…

Your probably looking for something with a shallow setback like this Bob’s 4", maybe 6".

The 4", 6", 8" is the setback measurement, not the up/down travel. The further back it sits, the more it influences the boats ride. Since your boat runs good now, no need to get extreme.

Other advantage is power poles can mount to the jackplate (less holes in the boat).

My Bob’s plate is 12 years old. Recently the solenoid went out, parts were readily available through their website and easy to replace (couple screws and a few wire connectors. Bob’s plates are designed to be repaired, not replaced.

Atlas is another brand but I have no experience with them.

Thanks for the advice.

2015 201 Bay Scout
150 Yamaha

I think you need to sell me your boat, and start over at the boat show.

Putting a jack plate on a 20’ boat (that is not a poling skiff or similar technical skinny water hull) just sounds like a way to get further up on that flat before you find out you’ve run aground. My luck would be longer periods of waiting for enough tide to get back off the flat.

If the hull performs well without it, I’d leave well enough alone and enjoy a nice boat.

17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

I had that same boat and added a jackplate, i wondered how I got by so long without it. Really increased performance, and ability to run/idle shallow

East Cape EVOx

Any inshore boat needs a jack plate and Ipilot IMO. I have the Atlas and it has performed superb over the past 5-6 years. Couldn’t be happier. Turned my 17’ Montauk into another boat.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115