Cancel Culture on CF.COM?

It APPEARS too suspicious that the politics forum was CANCELLED just when the Republican party was set to have a victory lap of positive discussions for this nation???

SOOOOOO, now we must stay on the OFF TOPIC forum, which is OK with us, however, there have been threats that politics discussed on ANY forum will not be allowed!!!

How convenient to kill the joy of the Republicans on this site, in a LEGENDARY election that WILL put America on the “Great Again” path once again. This time probably with Ron Desantis, not Donald Trump, however.

CONGRATULATIONS CONSERVATIVES for your victory Nov. 8, 2022@^$#^$


My feelings about the politics section has been visit if you’d like and express your opinion while being respectful of others (as long as they are respectful). If you don’t like it, don’t visit. Not a deal breaker for me if it is removed but, the fact that a few jackazzes ruined it with their constant and intentional crap stirring does pizz me off. Another example of a small minority getting most of the attention.

Easy, did you not get access to the political section yet?

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In a 2 tiered system, the control of the decisions are made based on the power of control not on the illusion of the power of the people


No, no contact so far.

Darn, I will keep trying. I dont think they dont want you in, I just think they have overlooked it.

In the meantime go into your messages and send snickers a note reminding him to unlock the gate.

If you dont know how to do that let me know.

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I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona… From the front porch you can see, the sea… If you’ll buy that I’ll throw the CFC political basement forum in for free… :rofl: