Can't believe no talk about King Mackerel

I am new to the Charleston area, so excuse my ignorance, but I just can’t believe there aren’t more King Mackerel fisherman in Chucktown.I am not a tournament fisherman, but I have decided KM give the most bang for the buck inshore, so I don’t go far anymore, and still have fun doing it. 3 years ago, I caught 35 KM in two days at the chas 60 reef in Nov. all schoolies, but a lot of fun. Before you ask, I only kept 5 and decided not to eat those, so I will never do that again. My boat should be in Charleston next week, and still needs some repair, so I may wait until Fall to get serious, but I plan to anchor at the jetties, and troll the shipping channel for now. Any ■■■■■■■■ would be appreciated, also interested in a Km club for weekend fisherman, not too serious, if you know what I mean. Tight lines.Signed “pair of kings” Fishing Team.

If you can take me I can help with gas and will show how to troll for some smokers.

Thanks Fishless. I probably take you up on that later, I’ll get your info from your profile and hang on to it.My email is on the profile, too. Tight lines, and send me some personal data by email. Later, man. I just looked at your profile, I answered your answer to the post about Spanish Mackerel at the jrtties, also read your other posts, looks like we can do some fishing. My son is 38 years old, and loves to fish, you and him should keep the fun going. I’ll be in touch, also interested in meeting your pier buddys too. Later, man. PS: I saw you caught a nice Spanish today, for pier action that’s a good one.