cape romain area near mcclellanville

I am thinking of coming down this weekend to fish, anyone have a report on the cape romain area of bulls bay? I have some GPS numbers but would love to hear what is bitting now and what bait. thanks.

2012 DLV 198 Carolina Skiff
Humingbird 998 Side scan and GPS
GPS trolling motor
Clear Skies

Haven’t heard much, but the time is almost perfect. May be crowded around Cowpen with the opening of shrimp season. I love that area.

are there any public boat ramps nearby?

2012 DLV 198 Carolina Skiff
Humingbird 998 Side scan and GPS
GPS trolling motor
Clear Skies

South Island Ferry, The Pole Yard and there is a landing at Buck Hall.Good luck.

Key West 186Yamaha150 4 stroke
One Day at a time!
Never take life seriuosly. Nobody makes it out alive anyway

If it is your first time down there, be careful…lots of water vanishes on low tide exposing huge mud flats and oysters everywhere. The trout and redfish should be biting great

The easy way is South Island Ferry all the way down to Casino Creek. It will dump you into Cape Romain Harbor. All of that area is great, as is Casino Creek and the waterway there. Just follow the channel markers down the ICW until you get to Casino and you will be fine. Study your charts and GPS for when you get into Cape Romain. Definetly some skinny areas down there.

I was just there this weekend and the fish were there. Lots of bait and lots of shrimp on the grass.

So we ended up going to Georgetown because of lack of hotels near mcclellanville and we did not do so well. We had trouble catching any live bait which I believe was the issue. Anyone know where I can find bait and or fish in Winayh bay area?

2012 DLV 198 Carolina Skiff
Humingbird 998 Side scan and GPS
GPS trolling motor
Clear Skies

Try any of the little creeks in mud bay when the tide is falling hard. It sucks everything out of the marsh. The smartest play is to hit Perrys in MI and buy enough bait to get started before you you put in. Then you are not spending the best part of the tide searching for bait.

If you can’t catch bait this time of year then do yourself a favor and not venture into cape romaine. It can be tricky and someone is going to have to find you.

I dont think i have navigation issues, I am an ex quartermaster in the navy and I have a GPS. I have never fished Winyah bay and I have new fisherman issues, not finding my way around issues. I looked for bait in the same places as other experienced fishermen that day and they had trouble finding good bait also.

2012 DLV 198 Carolina Skiff
Humingbird 998 Side scan and GPS
GPS trolling motor
Clear Skies

Have you tried muddy bay???

avoided muddy bay due to shrimp season opening and the number of guys over there. But will try it next time.

2012 DLV 198 Carolina Skiff
Humingbird 998 Side scan and GPS
GPS trolling motor
Clear Skies


Ha…The shrimpers should make it easy on you. The will bring em in. Just find an open area in Mud Bay and you will score plenty of bait, again if you see any of the 2-3 feeder creeks that are before Jones Creek give them try on a falling tide.

We actually did try the mouth of jones creek for a little while outgoing tide. did not stay there too long.

Thanks for all the advice, I do appreciate it, every new place I fish I find its like starting over again learning stuff.

2012 DLV 198 Carolina Skiff
Humingbird 998 Side scan and GPS
GPS trolling motor
Clear Skies


There has been a ton of fresh water flowing through Winyah Bay and it has added difficulty to finding bait but it is there! Be careful because Winyah Bay and areas discussed previously in this post can be tricky no matter how much experience we all have! You can buy live Mud minnows at Georgetown Ice in Georgetown and there is also a Tackle Store on South Island Ferry Road just before you get to the Ferry Landing on the left side of the road which also carries live Mud minnows. Mud Minnows are good to have just in case you can’t find anything once in the water! Fish anywhere there is running water around oyster shell beds in the creeks and at the mouth of creeks when water is moving. Popping Corks are a plus with the live bait and plastics (DOA Shrimp or Gulp Baits). Good Luck and don’t pass up a spot that looks good just because it is in a well traveled area…everyone thinks that way so these spots usually don’t get fished at all. You will learn the “sweet spots” the more time you spend down there!

Weatherbouy or anyone that knows…Has anyone been getting good shrimp in the bay…? I may give it a whirl Friday afternoon.

We saw plenty of fishermen there Saturday and Sunday at mud bay near the jones creek, one of them we seen again at the dock with a full cooler full of shrimp.

2012 DLV 198 Carolina Skiff
Humingbird 998 Side scan and GPS
GPS trolling motor
Clear Skies

Originally posted by Redstripe

Weatherbouy or anyone that knows…Has anyone been getting good shrimp in the bay…? I may give it a whirl Friday afternoon.

The shrimp are small. See comment above about fresh water.

SLOW so far. Three weeks ago there were nice shrimp in Muddy Bay but they left. Hopefully they will show back up soon as things settle down a little bit. Some people caught some this past weekend but no BIG shrimp and some went as far as Cowpens area with SLOW results as well.

Going to try them this Saturday! Will be in Muddy Bay area if anyone wants an update, holler on the radio for PAIR OF JACKS II.