Left Daniel Island at 0430 headed toward the Outcrop. Trolled around there and north. Found weedline in 345 ft just sw of SW banks. Ended day with 6 mahi to 35 lbs. Flat Ocean and beautiful ride back.
GW 257 Advance
Left Daniel Island at 0430 headed toward the Outcrop. Trolled around there and north. Found weedline in 345 ft just sw of SW banks. Ended day with 6 mahi to 35 lbs. Flat Ocean and beautiful ride back.
GW 257 Advance
Nice job Paul. Wish I could have buddy boated with you but had work to do. Hope to next time. Liked the photos on FB.
“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel .” Benjamin Netanyahu
GW 205
F200 Yam
Thanks Shane, If i could only figure out how to post them on here
GW 257 Advance
Capt., posting on here is easy. Find a picture hosing website. I use Image Shack. Then post the link with the photo that begins and ends with “{IMG}xxxx{/IMG}”. I had to use the wrong brackets to show you what it will look like. That will show your pictures.
BTW, sounds like a great day out there. Congrats on the catch.
GW 257 Advance
Seafoam Southport 26 CC
Z-Man Pro Staff
MMSI# 338111423
This space for rent!
Capt. , how was the Bimini trip.
Keep the Stars and Bars flying.
205 Scout SportsFish
150 Yamaha 4 stroke
15 ft War Eagle
40 Yamaha 4 stroke
Bimini trip was excellent but the fishing was slow. 12 boats in the Bimini Billfish Invitational, 2 marlin were caught and 4 mahi over 3 days. Guy Harvey suspects the full moon, making the fish more adopt to feed at night and sound during the daytime sun. But we had a great time, great weather. If you want more details call 843-697-3483 over 3 days
GW 257 Advance
Where’s the pic of the 35lber?
here u go:
GW 257 Advance
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GW 257 Advance