Pretty good size oyster rip. Is there anywhere to take it repaired for cheap? Just bought the old salt net 40 bucks…
2003 15’ Bathtub
Pretty good size oyster rip. Is there anywhere to take it repaired for cheap? Just bought the old salt net 40 bucks…
2003 15’ Bathtub
honestly even if you did get it repaired the price would prolly be close to the cost of a new one
It’s not hard to repair your own net if the netting is ripped, the big inside lines are a little more tricky. I use 20# mono and just stitch it back up. It’s not usually as pretty as new but it keeps shrimp/bait in the net. Give it a shot… worst you can do is REALLY have to buy a new net
“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
SC Chapter Coordinator- Heroes on the Water
Charleston Director-
Tarpon 160os
I repair mine with mono too, 8 or 12# test since that’s what I mostly have around. It won’t open or close as good as new but is usable and lots cheaper than buying a new net. If I knew what I was doing, maybe I’d get better results but it works good enough.
i use that red mono to repair mine. it makes it much easier to see what you are doing. also, the red line i have is not good for anything else so might as well put it to use somehow.
Ive found that it is much easer to repair with yellow 15# powepro line. It easer to tie knots and easy to see put white towel over your knee lay out net and start sewing.
unwaxed floss
Amen on the floss, dentist always gives me that after a teeth cleaning session. It comes in a little pull out container just right for the tackle box or glove box. Have repaired many a net on the water with it…
Ice Blue Pathfinder 2200
red 12# line - then a drop of super glue on each knot when done. I put 145 stitches in a new 8’ net with it. Still throws fine - gives your net some character. Took about an hour.
J Ford
12lb test or so. i use what ever is around. got some hivis 30lb that i will be useing next time. just use about 2feet or so and tie it on good. not much to it. good luck.
Cinnamon flavor dental floss is red. My bait net has more floss on it than my mouth will see in a year.
Karma is 360 degrees