On my casts, my loops are ok and I can shoot the line a good distance, but on my final presentation, I find that the loop unwinds and “flicks” to the left instead of laying down nice and straight.
Any tips? I can’t seem to figure it out. Maybe I need to cast with the rod tip more vertical? Right now its probably at a 30deg angle to vertical.
after you shoot your line, your hand is probally naturally twisting over to the right (assuming your r handed). when you deliver the line as it is shooting try and rotate your wrist inward. the line follows the rod tip. that should cure that almost immediately. other than that, try having more line out than you are gonna shoot…if the fly comes to the end of the leader and snaps back, it will naturally curve to one side. hope this helps
If you can take a little video of yourself, it can be pretty helpful. You don’t have to show it to us. You just may be able to see yourself doing something better from a distance. But, don’t let it interfere with the fishing time.
Scotty probably nailed it but when you take the video be sure to also take one from directly behind you (or in front). One common reason for the leader to go to the side is tracking problems, i.e. the backcast curving to the right would cause the leader to ■■■■■ to the left on the forward cast. But having said that, I think you would see it on the false casts too. The video should tell you if the rod tip is tracking straight.
18.5 Baycraft Flats Edition
Johnson 150 Oceanrunner
Wood Driftboat
OK, scotty, you are the man! Went to the pond tonite and worked on it, and turning my hand in when shooting the line made all the difference. Also, when it occasionally snapped to the side, I now realize I need to have more line out. I was able to (sometimes) cast right up to some overhanging brush about 60 ft or so away. Really good for practice…
Ty and Flyvet, I also had my son take some video from the front and side. The quality is pretty poor, but it looked fairly good but exposed my main flaw, which is not stopping early enough on the backcast, so my line gets too low on the backcast. The video is helpful b/c its hard to feel when you are doing it wrong, but its easy to see.
Probably your wrist. Just pay attention to what your hand/wrist are doing on each cast and correct accordingly. You can also overdo it and use it your advantage when you become a better caster, learning to cast around obstacles and such. I like to throw a hook cast to the left around dock poles and such. Only works occasionally, I need to get better, but it makes the fly swim around a portion of the pole.
An old salt told me once that I had the same problem as you, the back cast was off. He told me to watch the back cast and that it should be symetrical with the forward cast. That helped me a lot.
In regards to the twisting, your reel should not twist in the forward or back cast. Keep it steady. Also, a (my) rule of thumb is 2 and 10. Think of your arm you are using to cast as a clock hand. The rod should be in line with your arm and not go past 10 or 2- if that makes sense.
mummichog - thanks for the tips. As for the back cast its one of those bad habits. I took John Irwin’s class and he identified it and taught me the 10-2 thing. When i keep the back cast at 2 I’m good but my bad habit creeps back in sometimes. I’m working on it
Its also a good idea to avoid the hero casts and start short- 10 or 20 feet. Get a good rhythm with your left hand in your pocket(if you are casting with right). Don’t play with it while it is in your pocket- focus grasshopper. And don’t try the double haul either until you can keep the fly out of the grass or off the ground behind you.