Let’s figure out where would be the most convenient place for us to have a wings and beer happy hour something or other sometime soon. Where are you and where would you prefer to meet?
I am on James Island. Gene’s has good beer and wings. I’m also partial to Wild Wings.
gene’s is in west ash on 17 near the triangle char and bar, salty mikes is at city marina. Fishing tourny with results shared at beer and wings event? I know i’ve been idle in the game for a while, just sitting on some positions while i’ve been reading up on some killer strategies that i hope will pay off later!
I used to fish a little, but a little wouldn’t do it, so a little got more and more
If you go to Genes, I’ll go or hell Salty’s I day trade every day or fish, so I just couldn’t get in the game… However, i would love to get some knowledge on what you gus were playing and how you did,
Plus beer and Wings …
Carl, Looks like you got put through the ringer…I was pulling for ya
Peace And Ease
Everyone should believe in something, I believe I’ll go fishing !!!
Yea, Chuck, I effed it up pretty good on Thornburg Mortgage…you know all too well about that right???
When and if we ever get a wings and beer night you are more than welcome to join us. You’ll see a post here about it so check back time to time. Just don’t be pulling for me any more…
Let me know; I’ll show up. I’m not talking about stocks though.
I’m back and I’ve promised to behave this time.
I want to be like Fritz when I grow up.
Edisto-Fisher is my hero…internetly speaking.
My heart is in Antarctica.
Lone Ranger is a tool…man.
I know, I know…seems like Gene’s in West Ashtray got the most votes. Now let’s pick a day . I prefer a weekday since I am booked up on weekend from now until November (or so it seems). June 5th is my birthday so y’all could come out and buy me beer and wings. Oh yea, I’m looking for a job too so free beer and wings always helps…anybody need a salesman…or account rep…or project manager…or organizer of beer stuff:stuck_out_tongue:
I’m new to the biz game but not new to fishin or boatin. I would love to meet some of you guys. My background is boats but its now insurance and I need to meet some guys that understand why I made the switch. Genes is good but I like mikes cuz it puts me near the water.