CF oyster roast 2016

yall just continue to make this thing such a fun time…yes, Easy, there were oysters bought in your honor and box wine drank in your spirit…Mrs DFreedom about cried when I told her where the wine came from (thank you Easy!)…you have been in all our thoughts and prayers good buddy…
geesh, where to start…justretired had the fire going and half his truckload of wood unloaded before I got there…we tried to make Mr APickett Jr (Jacob) in charge of the fire but he had other things on his mind :stuck_out_tongue:…sophish Mrs Carol brought her whole cooker-mobile and man was that right on time…Joe with his cold cut platter and who the hell brought the 15lbs of mac and cheese thank you! Sellsfish’s oysters, striperskiff’s gloves, Fishb8’s PBRs and Mrs Fishb8’s perfection in service, xman and Mrs X’s whole presence :smiley:, 23Sailfish’s lovely wife, DFreedom’s wife, Karen, who single handedly corralled the cleanup crew, contender1 who manned the leaf blower, TTKarl who made me drink beer until the bitter end, thanks to Joey for throwing yourself on the sword and taking the leftover oysters :wink:, ayejoe and MIC LITE even smiled once or twice today…dammit, there are just too many memories to put into words right now but I am so proud of all of you for contributing to this fun event and making it what it is…shoot, even jford could not help but smile all day! I’m so happy to be associated with such a fine bunch of people…I look forward to next year!!!

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Where are my racy pictures:question::imp::stuck_out_tongue: Sorry I couldn’t make it! I was there in spirit!:wink:

PS: Thanks for doing that for me Bonz:smiley:

It was a great time indeed! Thanks to everyone for the effort and the food. I gained about 10 pounds today.


15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Everyone did a great job on the event. What a spread and it was all good. Busted the ol diet today but I really really enjoyed it. Nice to get to see some faces. I do plan to be back. Thanks all.

J Ford

In all honesty Easy, the Mrs was truly touched by your kind and considerate gesture. It was also timely as her birthday is on Monday (29 again). Sorry, I did not take any racy photos but I may have some laying around the house. I did eat a few oysters and drink a few beers for you. Karen and I will be thinking of you and praying for you with your impending surgery. Please keep us all posted as to your recovery. Take care buddy!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

My pleasure DF! I’ll know more about the condition, my condition is in on Wednesday, I hope!

Great time as always. The weather was perfect and the oysters and food were fantastic. It was good to see everyone and meet a few new people in the process as well. Thank you Bonzo for organizing everything and everyone for their generosity to make this a great event year after year.

was indeed a great time…except for when a little boy told me if my wings were supposed to be hot and spicy…that I was a sissy:)
great to see everyone for sure!

Chip!!! I need the recipe for the PANTHER POOP for Mrs Karole

and Bonzo…I need the apple cake recipe ! please ask your dadd to get it for me!!

Thanks again for everything…and tell Jen I love my shirt and said thanks again!!

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Did none of you people take any pictures? Even sideways ones, Penny!

Joe took a bunch, but I don’t think he knows how to get them out of his phone!


Originally posted by penfishn

tell Jen I love my shirt and said thanks again!!

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

remember, y’all iron the shirts before you wear or wash them…she said it would set in the design…and good luck getting a recipe out of Mrs Big Bonzo! seriously though I will ask…

The Morris Island Lighthouse