Charleston kayaking?

Just a quick question for you guys. How’s the kayak fishing in Charleston? I grew up there, and retirement is coming soon, so I’m thinking about moving back. The only real fishing I did there was cats at bushy park, and that was a long time ago.

Does anyone do ocean kayak fishing? I’m stationed in California right now now. Usually, I’m about 1 1/2 miles out before I hit the fish. Most of my spots put me at about 100 feet deep. Is there any comparison?

I have more questions, but I’ll leave it at that for now. Thanks!


Inshore fishing always seems to be good, PLENTY of yak launches around but you will never catch me offshore. Weather changes too radically around here to be out that far on a yak. Farthest i will go is the jetties and i have yet to do that.

All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you.

Originally posted by trey79

…Is there any comparison?..

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>Charleston and California? None.

I’ve known a few kayakers to go to the Jetties, they liked to put in at Ft Moultrie. They weren’t fishing, they were in the longer performance style kayaks that French guys in speedos like to use.

Ovsoldier is right about the weather, it turns on a dime around here, often only for a few minutes, which is plenty long enough to cause you some serious trouble.

The boaters around here seem to be especially disrespectful and absurdly stupid (well not all of them lol), but if you are in a kayak in the same water as folks in the 23’+ vessels, you stand a chance at kissing their bow. Often I’ve noticed that these larger vessels seem to be in such a hurry to wherever they are going that they will basically ignore whomever is in their way, and ride right past you. In a kayak, you aren’t all that visible to them anyhow, and being so diminutive in the water, you’ll look “less important, can ignore”. Happens to me very frequently in a 14’ jon boat up in the creeks and smaller rivers around here. I wouldn’t necessarily let that stop me from kayaking in the ocean but it certainly means you need to keep your eyes open and be very, very visible.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

Coastal waters here are very shallow in comparison…you’d have to go out over 20 miles to get to 100’ of water.

Inshore fishing is great, though…

A couple of us fish offshore at the jetties - but we have to pick our days (favorable wind/waves). We usually fish along the outside of the north jetty, avoiding the shipping channel and the majority of the boat traffic.