oyster roast 1/24/15

oh, and in case I forgot to mention, there is a very nice heated restroom 100’ from our shelter…you’ll have to run through the rain to get to it, but it is warm and nice and dry…men’s and women’s…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

it’s not going to rain. Penny said so.

I just found out I don’t have to go out of town this weekend so I may poke my head in for a bit. I’ll bring something to contribute if I stop by

“mr keys”

Originally posted by Bonzo72 ...most people sign up, but some of the regulars (not naming any names but CAPNTANG!) just show up each year and we accept them for their shortcomings :wink:...

It’s called “making an entrance!”

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Bonzo I am making Gumbo even as I type and will be bringing bowls ,spoons and such,and my Grill,and Trash Bags I am just wondering if you think you’ll need any serving spoons ,tongs ect.I will check back before I leave today. I will be there around 9:30-10:00. How about extra tables I will be bringing one to set-up by the grill but have availablity to a few if you think there will be a need.
I also have a case of water.

The weather report is looking better and better. Rain is supposed to subside around 10ish with no more rain predicted after 11AM.

Looking forward to a great time; don’t let the little bit of rain scare you away!!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I knew Bonzo would get through to Cantore!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Going to try to make it will bring chicken and some clams

Originally posted by sophish

Bonzo I am making Gumbo even as I type and will be bringing bowls ,spoons and such,and my Grill,and Trash Bags I am just wondering if you think you’ll need any serving spoons ,tongs ect.I will check back before I leave today. I will be there around 9:30-10:00. How about extra tables I will be bringing one to set-up by the grill but have availablity to a few if you think there will be a need.
I also have a case of water.

never have too much water, thanks! serving spoons would be great, but don’t bring the fine china…I think most of our food can be served by individuals’ plasticware…there are a lot of picnic tables there, but if you need something to have by the grill then yes, bring a little something…don’t worry about extra tables though, thanks…

milder temps are building in and yes, the Cantore has come through with reduced chances of rain…not near as bad as it looked earlier in the week…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Joe the fire will be going by 8.30 so should be good if you want to come earlier.
Have a propain heater also. Hope it will be warm enough
not to need either one after 12.

Originally posted by justretired

Joe the fire will be going by 8.30 so should be good if you want to come earlier.
Have a propain heater also. Hope it will be warm enough
not to need either one after 12.

I’ve got a little propane heater bringing as well…it is looking like we may stay on the warm side of this front through early afternoon…64 and muggy out there right now…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

fresh off the wire Paul will have 15 bushels and the head count is approx 65…weather improving too…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Bringing nanner pudding

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Originally posted by carolinacoot

Bringing nanner pudding


and just in time the weather looks like it s moving out this morning…temps gonna drop, but I think the rain will be done by late morning…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by carolinacoot

Bringing nanner pudding

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Go ahead and set that aside just for me… mkaaaay? Thanks!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

On the way i about 15 minutes.


Bringing Andouille &Gouda Mac topped with shrimp and Buffalo Blue Cheese Chicken Dip