Check on me occasionally please

What’s the best kind of neighbor to have?

Probably a retired sniper with insomnia

Originally posted by Bayrider7365

What’s the best kind of neighbor to have?

Probably a retired sniper with insomnia

That a cool story bay, but it still strikes me a little odd having a neighbor sight a rifle through a neighbor’s window in the wee hours of the morning. In this case it worked out great and I guess it’s a good thing they had their curtains open.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Struck me as strange too Fred, they are fortunate though. Probably would have ended badly for that family. Man that guy can shoot!!! Those thugs picked the wrong house to terrorize. Done deal.

Stupid crooks, should have at least closed the drapes!:face_with_head_bandage:

im curious as to what the crooks were interrogating the family for. did they have a safe or something the crooks were trying to get into? crooks usually are lazy and go for easy grabs, not breaking into someones house in a neighborhood at 2am and holding them at gun point.

The cops speculated that it was over some sort of business deal a year ago:question: