This time last Sunday I put a post on here about my alarm going off on my Yamaha 115. After not hearing it again while running in the driveway various times, I put in again today. While my Dad was parking the truck, I noticed smoke coming out of the tube of wires going to the motor. I immediately shut the motor off and turned off the battery switch. Within 2 minutes, I was beached back at the landing and putting out an electrical fire beneath my inspection port near the motor. In 40 years of boating experience have never used an extinguisher while out on the water. Was able to get everything out safely. I think I have pinpointed the alarm problem…Wanted to remind everyone as spring and summer approach, please make sure your fire extinguishers are charged and ready for use…
Excellent advice! I recently went through by boat’s safety equipment. New fire extinguisher, new flares, updated first aid kit. Nothing like a fire to get your attention!
Lowcountry;; glad you got it out before it got really bad;;some very good advice here,thanks for sharing.
If you used an dry powder type extinguisher, you need to get it cleaned out completely. That stuff wrecks electrical components. Check, clean all connections where it was used.
If it fly’s, floats, or, friggs, rent it!
Bad luck! Glad you had a working fire ext. Good luck on the repairs!