Cherry Grove

Wife and I fished Wednesday with a little luck, but no keepers. I have an issue, though. Why does everyone have to haul ass in there? I fish out of my little 14’ skiff and was swamped 2 times by boats either bogging or going wide open. I wonder if we could get it to be a no wake inlet??? That would be so nice and make it so much more peaceful! Just had to whine for a minute! Be back tomorrow!!!

I was hoping you’d killed’em. No, the FISH.

People today do Not have any concern about You. We have become 100% about ME. Even in my 13’ Whaler, I Slow Down In NO WAKE ZONES (and keep looking back. To be sure no Idiot is going to Run Over Me).

Hopefully I’ll get to go this week.

Report from yesterday. Crowd level not as bad. Flounder not too good. Two fish with only one keeper. Fished falling tide all the way down.

18’ Hewes Bayfisher

Even if no wake zone you should still slow down going by a anchored boat just out of respect. Key word being respect.

We fished Friday and Saturday in Cherry Grove. Friday we slammed them, we caught 20-25 fish with 10 keepers( the kind you don’t even question about the 14 inch minimum). Friday was not near as good as we caught 10-12 fish with only 3 keepers ( all 18-21 inch range).
Its picking up pretty good and getting better!!