Made a quickie trip to the Marsh this afternoon about an hour on the water. Fished the first hour of in coming tide. Water 63°. One little flounder fell for a mud minnow a yellow eye jig head.

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.
22 life’s a day
The wife and I wandered back to the March this afternoon low tide. About the time we hit the water the sun went away and the wind picked up. Wife hooked up on a nice flounder he spit the hook at the boat.Looks like a good crab population we got crabbed several times. I got crabs quite a few times yesterday also. Only stayed about 45 minutes wife tired of listening to me whine about being cold. We just had t-shirts on.
If y’all haven’t been in the marsh in a while it has changed a lot in the main Creek. The Sandbar about 120 yd South of the landing is filled in all the way across now. Around the corner from. Boulineau’s Castle has gotten awful shallow all the way across. Just passed the last dock before you get to the condos is only about a foot now also. Guessing the way they dredged the fingers just pulling it out the middle. The banks are caving in & washing out in the main Creek now.
I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.
22 life’s a day
Sounds like there’s not much room left to fish the creek in a boat. Hate they messed up that area.
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