
One thing that I have found to help lower my cholesterol aside from the numerous types of statins and prescription meds has been to take two tablespoons of Psyllium, I get the cheap kind from CVS instead of the name brand Metamucil. Much cheaper. When I first heard it could help I tried it and noticed a very significant drop, then I got lazy and quit, numbers went back up. Recently I’ve become very stern about my diet and back on the Psyllium. I’ve had my best numbers in my life the past year. I cut the fat off my steak, if I treat myself to bacon it is cooked crispy, quit all fast food hamburgers, and that’s pretty much it other than a little smaller portions.

The biggest thing that concerns me over lowering cholesterol especially using statins is the long term effects. Studies are starting to show up with possible links to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Our brains need Cholesterol to function. I’ve brought this up with my heart doctor and he tells me the risk is worth it in my case. :question:

Schoolsout was keto before keto was cool.

Originally posted by Fred67

One thing that I have found to help lower my cholesterol aside from the numerous types of statins and prescription meds has been to take two tablespoons of Psyllium, I get the cheap kind from CVS instead of the name brand Metamucil. Much cheaper. When I first heard it could help I tried it and noticed a very significant drop, then I got lazy and quit, numbers went back up. Recently I’ve become very stern about my diet and back on the Psyllium. I’ve had my best numbers in my life the past year. I cut the fat off my steak, if I treat myself to bacon it is cooked crispy, quit all fast food hamburgers, and that’s pretty much it other than a little smaller portions.

The biggest thing that concerns me over lowering cholesterol especially using statins is the long term effects. Studies are starting to show up with possible links to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Our brains need Cholesterol to function. I’ve brought this up with my heart doctor and he tells me the risk is worth it in my case. :question:

Doc didn’t like me not supporting Big Pharma with statin purchases, said boy you gonna die so I asked him when was the last time he read an obit that listed the cause of death was High Cholesterol.

Ain’t that Metamucil really a colon bomb?:smiley:

Originally posted by Bayrider7365
Originally posted by Fred67

One thing that I have found to help lower my cholesterol aside from the numerous types of statins and prescription meds has been to take two tablespoons of Psyllium, I get the cheap kind from CVS instead of the name brand Metamucil. Much cheaper. When I first heard it could help I tried it and noticed a very significant drop, then I got lazy and quit, numbers went back up. Recently I’ve become very stern about my diet and back on the Psyllium. I’ve had my best numbers in my life the past year. I cut the fat off my steak, if I treat myself to bacon it is cooked crispy, quit all fast food hamburgers, and that’s pretty much it other than a little smaller portions.

The biggest thing that concerns me over lowering cholesterol especially using statins is the long term effects. Studies are starting to show up with possible links to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Our brains need Cholesterol to function. I’ve brought this up with my heart doctor and he tells me the risk is worth it in my case. :question:

Doc didn’t like me not supporting Big Pharma with statin purchases, said boy you gonna die so I asked him when was the last time he read an obit that listed the cause of death was High Cholesterol.

Ain’t that Metamucil really a colon bomb?:smiley:

Makes paper work much cleaner. It really doesn’t affect me one way or the other. [:I]

I think the idea behind it is the fact that some of the fat taken in is absorbed and flushed out rather than being taken in by the body.

Hey Fred, go ahead and pig out on the pork chops

I knew God made butter & bacon for the good of all!

Flush those statins, just big pharma poison like flu shots & vaccines

Bayrider, I’ve come to the conclusion that loosing weight and eating healthy has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Even over putting my life on the line in a situation or two. I love FOOD! My wife has labeled me a “grazer”. I still stand by Psyllium in my diet. I’m patiently waiting on long term use of statins to become available to see just how much damage they cause our brains from lack of needed cholesterol for fuel and many other issues. There are now links to statins causing elevated blood sugar levels and diabetes.

I wonder if all the cynical things Big Pharma does for money will ever come to light?

Not just are they finding pork is not so bad for us, but beef as well… Remember coffee bad, eggs bad, … to many short term studies. I still stand by Genetics and knowing that some just need to take their diets seriously and in moderation. Been doing a lot of venison. :smiley:

Doctors still harping on high cholesterol and putting people on statins are at least 10 years behind the times! If you have high cholesterol or taking statins for it then watch this short video. The problem is triglycerides and they are controlled by high sugar and carb intake. As stated, grains are not as good for you as we have been told and cooking our foods in the industrial “seed” oils (canola, vegatable, sunflower, etc) is also flammatory! Saturated fat (bacon grease, steak, grass fed butter, salmon, eggs etc) is actually good for and as we all know, too much simple sugars, fruit included, and carbs is bad. Type II diabetes is running rampant and it actually starts about 10 years before your blood glucose numbers started rising. Oh yeah, all teh meds they put you on for the high blood sugar do NOTHING for the real problem abd that is your high INSULIN levels and your resistance to it! It is THE reason you can’t lose any weight, no matter how hard you exercise. Type II is a diet induced disease and it can be reversed if you use diet to do so.

As stated earlier by some, start a keto type diet and cut out all simple sugars, and keep your carbs to about 5% of your total intake for awhile. I know it is tough, but if you want to keep you toes, feet, eyesight and not have a stroke, heart attack, or do dialysis, or worse, DIE, then you may want to give it a try. You have to get your insulin levels down! Try keto along with intermittent fasting (maybe one meal a day) and add in some 3-5 day water fasting and eventually some extended water fasting and you CAN reverse the Type II diabetes. Now, if you have damaged your body very badly by continuing to try to eat your regular diet and taking meds, you DO NOT want to dive into this lifestyle change! You should ask your doctor to monitor you. He will probably laugh at you and want you to keep taking drugs or tell you that Type II is progressive and can’t be reversed, but he is WRONG!

Cholesterol video:

I was put on simvastatin about 15 years ago or so. A couple-few years after that, my wife was reading her Pharmacist’s newsletter and found a study that showed that a large percentage of people on statins reduced their statin intake by 50% and got something like 98% effectiveness compared to the full dose. So I reduced my statin intake by 50% and my cholesterol was still well within the desirable range ay my subsequent checkups (lipid panels). Then I cut it in half again, and still have good results with no cramps. So instead of 40mg per day, I take 10mg and it still reduces my cholesterol just fine. I’ve been doing this for close to 10 years or more.

Of course it's my opinion. Whose opinion were you expecting?

What’s up Doc? Tell me about first do no harm.

c/p - Why do doctors prescribe statin drugs? Answer: because, when prescribed, statins reward doctors with a drug assessment fee from insurance carriers and because they bring patients back to the office for refills. So combined with side effects, they result in a lot more doctoring.

Local witch doctor put me on Bragg’s Vinegar spiked with Ceylon Cinnamon & it only cost me a foot from from a wild turkey nesting under a Palmetto bush.

Not to mention that cholesterol in itself is not a problem for us. Triglycerides are very bad for us. You also get all those other benefits from the ACV witch doctor brew!

Here is a couple of vids that eyeopening. “High cholesterol on a ketogenic diet (plus do statins work?) - 2019 update” “Blood tests on a ketogenic diet - what your cholesterol results mean”