Church , guns & concealed carry& add schools to it

Today, many, if not most churches, have a trained armed security team in place. If not, they are working on establishing one. Our pastor even carries, after all, he has the best view of any intruders. It is a different world than what we were brought up in. You can bury your head in the sand and hope you are not a victim, or try and do something to prevent it.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

Originally posted by Off the chain

We have uscca.
I thought someone would bring this up. So I’m going to throw it out there. This is a tough one. Arming teachers and police in the schools.

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

Do I like the fact that it has to be even thought of to arm teachers or have more LEO in schools? No, but I like it a helluva lot more than the alternative of making our schools, children and teachers a soft target for a lunatic or group of them. With proper vetting, extensive training I'm for arming teachers who want it and meet very very high standards as well as submit to regular mental evaluations at least prior to or following the school year. Columbine, VA Tech, Sandy Hook, and Parkland to hit the worst of the worst would've all turned out very differently IMO if you had several well trained armed teachers in each place as well as being a deterrent to next nut job.

You gonna talk or FISH!

Originally posted by Long Enuff

Today, many, if not most churches, have a trained armed security team in place. If not, they are working on establishing one. Our pastor even carries, after all, he has the best view of any intruders. It is a different world than what we were brought up in. You can bury your head in the sand and hope you are not a victim, or try and do something to prevent it.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

Indeed local law enforcement teaches seminars for churches about this and there are companies offering more in depth tactical training for churches and businesses now as well.

You gonna talk or FISH!

Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE
Originally posted by Off the chain

We have uscca.
I thought someone would bring this up. So I’m going to throw it out there. This is a tough one. Arming teachers and police in the schools.

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

Do I like the fact that it has to be even thought of to arm teachers or have more LEO in schools? No, but I like it a helluva lot more than the alternative of making our schools, children and teachers a soft target for a lunatic or group of them. With proper vetting, extensive training I'm for arming teachers who want it and meet very very high standards as well as submit to regular mental evaluations at least prior to or following the school year. Columbine, VA Tech, Sandy Hook, and Parkland to hit the worst of the worst would've all turned out very differently IMO if you had several well trained armed teachers in each place as well as being a deterrent to next nut job.

You gonna talk or FISH!

Officers Had No Duty to Protect Students in Parkland Massacre, Judge Rules


Officers Had No Duty to Protect Students in Parkland Massacre, Judge Rules
Scott Peterson is a sniveling coward. In my opinion he is personally responsible for every death after he arrived on the scene. Football coach Aaron Feis gave his life.Using his body as a human shield. What a difference it would have made if he had been armed.

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

Originally posted by Beavertail
Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE
Originally posted by Off the chain

We have uscca.
I thought someone would bring this up. So I’m going to throw it out there. This is a tough one. Arming teachers and police in the schools.

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

Do I like the fact that it has to be even thought of to arm teachers or have more LEO in schools? No, but I like it a helluva lot more than the alternative of making our schools, children and teachers a soft target for a lunatic or group of them. With proper vetting, extensive training I'm for arming teachers who want it and meet very very high standards as well as submit to regular mental evaluations at least prior to or following the school year. Columbine, VA Tech, Sandy Hook, and Parkland to hit the worst of the worst would've all turned out very differently IMO if you had several well trained armed teachers in each place as well as being a deterrent to next nut job.

You gonna talk or FISH!

Officers Had No Duty to Protect Students in Parkland Massacre, Judge Rules

Kind of puts a new spin on “Protect and Serve”. :question: I’ve got a few family members and friends in City, County, and Highway Patrol. No question they WILL put their life on the line to Protect innocent Cit

Originally posted by Off the chain

I will start off by saying. I am 100% pro gun 2nd amendment. At work today I was telling one of my coworkers about a little country Church. Maybe 40-50 members. They hired someone to come in and train them. They now have members designated to carry. They also have ongoing training. Another co-worker overheard us and strongly objected.He said there is absolutely no place for a gun in a church.
Not judging. Just wondering everyone else’s opinion??

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

I agree - there is no place in church for a gun. that is why I bring one to protect myself and the other parishioners from criminals

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
Will Rogers