Circle of Life....

We had to put our old girl down last night around midnight. Bela was a great dog and will be missed after 13 great years/

Sorry for your loss.

First, Most, Biggest

She looks like she was loved and truly cared for. Sorry to hear you had to let her go.Nothing like the love of a faithful dog.

A good dog is family. Sorry for your loss.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Xxxx 2 what Fred said!!!


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

My sincere condolences.


Originally posted by Fred67

A good dog is family. Sorry for your loss.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

And a bad one is an in-law…

Sorry for your loss.


Sorry shevy! I know it hurts.

Dang man, sorry to hear that.

May all your favorite bands stay together…

Sad, thoughts are with you!

I once had a coon hound, Ole Sue, that would bring me coon to fit the size of a stretcher board I’d show her. One day my wife set her ironing board outside near the back door. I ain’t seen Ole Sue ever again. Let’s hope we see Bela and Ole Sue when we arrive in Heaven.

First ever workplace violence incident, Wounded Knee,SD.

Know she is having fun on rain bow bridge
with my Opie boy.

Thanks, for posting the picture. God bless.

Looks like she was a real athlete, and a good-lookin’ dog. My condolences.

Sorry to hear that. I’ve got a 10 year old lab and I think about this way too often. I would hate to have to make that sort of decision. If it’s not too much to talk about, mind if I ask what the medical dilemma was that put you in that spot? I ask because just looking for ways to dodge something like that if that is even possible.

She had been doing downhill the last few weeks in terms of not being able to walk much anymore. You could tell she didn’t want to do it and we were having to prod her. Sometimes losing control of her bladder going to be bathroom without getting up. Vet tried some medicine which didn’t help. Then going to the bathroom and not being able to get back up after squatting started early last week. From there I had to carry her and she just refused to get up as of Friday. Took her to the vet who gave us the gentle nudge that we should start thinking about her last days.

So we decided to take her out to the beach Saturday morning and she perked up a bit and was ecstatic. she even walked around some for the first time in 48 hours. We spent the rest of the day around her.

That night she started panting suddenly and it got progressively worse for 2 hours, then she started making a nasty, labored gargling noise in her chest so we put her in the car to head to the vet. Loading her up in the car she completely emptied her bowels and didn’t stop for the 10 min ride. It smelled like death so we knew it was her body giving out. Black and really nasty stuff.

Got there and the emergency vet agreed she was going through the natural process, organs were shutting down slowly, so they gave her a heavy sedative so we could stay with her a bit while she was finally calm and out of pain. Then the vet helped her along so she would not suffer anymore.

Wish we could have avoided that final episode, just could not foresee that coming so quickly, but I’m glad we were there with her to the end.

The dog was an incredible athlete, great with the kids, affectionate, protective, and followed every command. I doubt we find another dog as great as bela.

Thanks for sharing such a tough story. So, it sounds like “old age” basically from what I can read. Man, that really sucks. I’ve got a 2 year old girl who adores my 10 year old lab. It’s going to be tough on us one day when she is yelling for him, and explaining to her why he doesn’t come anymore. Sorry again for your lost family member.

Originally posted by skinneej

Thanks for sharing such a tough story. So, it sounds like “old age” basically from what I can read. Man, that really sucks. I’ve got a 2 year old girl who adores my 10 year old lab. It’s going to be tough on us one day when she is yelling for him, and explaining to her why he doesn’t come anymore. Sorry again for your lost family member.

That is probably the worst part of the losing a pet process IMO. I lost my 5 year old lab and his 7 year old mom within a calendar year of each other 2 years ago. The male "Cocky" escaped our fenced yard the day after my birthday and the road got him, mom "Carolina" died from pericarditis caused by what the E vet believed was a ruptured tumor. It was tough explaining it to my then 5 year old and MUCH TOUGHER explaining it to my then 2 year old who loved to look at them playing in the back yard and then let them back in after they'd done their morning biz. Two great dogs that left us way too early. Sorry for your loss shevy.

You gonna talk or FISH!

so sorry for your loss…our pets are also our children…and often smarter and more compassionate than some humans I know.
Our Roo is 13 now…and while she is still very active…she too is showing signs of aging…and my heart hurts when I think about having to let her go one day… Just as you were blessed to have Bela…she too was blessed to have such a loving family.

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16