
Does anyone know if clamming is open in MI ?
The number I have use to cover MI and now it
gives another number and they only operate on
m-f ???
THANKS & Merry Christmas

Call Big Daves bait in MI…he will know

I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I think I’m going fishing…!!

Not sure I would want to eat clams out of MI!

Originally posted by boatpoor

Not sure I would want to eat clams out of MI!

Am I missing a joke here? They were opened yesterday but due to the rain the next couple days I’m not sure.

State Farm Agent
N Myrtle Beach

There are some giant ones in MI. True there may be a little run off and what not in MI, but I think you should be ok eating them. Try Oaks Creek. PM me and I will give u a spot.