Clarks hill stripers 10/1

Fish were located at marker 129, in 35 ft of water, just at the channel. Look for the rock island and sit off its’ point. IF you are not familiar with the area, caution is advised. Lots of stumps. Hug the GA side and run from marker bouy to marker bouy. This is about a 20 min run above the 378 bridge. Dorn landing (McCormik) is a good ramp to put in at (marker 78 I think?)
Fish stopped biting around 8:00.
2 over 25, 4 in the 5-12 lb range. All on live bait. Don’t know about the late afternoon, but it might be worth a try.
They have been there Fri, Sat. and Sunday.

John, catch m up

chris scout 202 john150

fish also found at marker 29. Limits caught on live bait

Good luck to all

No fishing for me for two weeks

chris scout 202 john150

Now that’s what I call a fishing report! I don’t fish Clarks Hill but if I did I know where I would go.

Sounds like a pretty awesome day with numbers of big fish-way to go. Thanks for the info also.

Hey Chris

Thanks for the spots. I am going on Mon. night. Intrested in going? If not will get together soon. thanks for all the advice.


Went Tues. afternoon/evening. Caught 1 good one in the Parksville area. The guides were all in the area and they were doing much better than me. They were stacked up on the Georgia side and they looked busy. Went again Wens am and got shut out (again). I need Chris G to show me how to catch em up.


Originally posted by McCombsjohn

I need Chris G to show me how to catch em up.


he can do it!!!:wink:

2001 23 ft outrage with twin 150 opti’s…

John, you are welcome to come. My next fihsing is in the distant future. Looks like Sunday Nov. 1. Trying to get toolman down for it. Want to go?
Of course there are no gaurentees that we will do any better. But we can’t do any worse, and can’t catchum if we aren’t there.


chris scout 202 john150

Caught several in the Parksville area. I caught most of them in water 30-40ft. They seemed to be around marker 29 closer to the Georgia side. I did have one over 12lbs. I am starting to get better. Have not been shut out in the last 3 trips. I will have to get back to on Nov. 1. How early will we go out and when do you think we will return?


I told you marker 29 would work! 12 lbs… great job!
I am flexible on the go out and come in time. 6:30-7:00 in the water works good for me, and coming in around 2:00. Or we can do the late shift.
ctoolman might be up for it. we can fish my boat, it should be ready to go. ctoolman… you in? We launch 1 hr from where you are (parksville).

chris scout 202 john150

i am in but you have me confused???nov 1 is not a sunday on my calendar??it is 2005 right???[:I]

2001 23 ft outrage with twin 150 opti’s…

Correct, but it is this Sunday, October 29

chris scout 202 john150

i plan on being there,what time?

2001 23 ft outrage with twin 150 opti’s…

You guys have mail. Parksville Ramp at 7:00. We need to catch some! Fish seem to be coming back to the middle of the lake. I wish someone would report on the Raysville area.
Current plan would be check and troll parksville main chanels, then to humps around marker 29, then to bass alley blow through, humps above Bussey Point, circle back over to Church cove, then Hamilton Branch between the front islands. After that, time to go home and clean some fish.
Here is the problem, they are schooling in the afternoons at some known locations. If this continues for the next couple of days, we may want to bag the early morning, sleep in, and just look for the afternoon action. The other side of this problem is it is also a great way to get skunked.
Guys look at your maps and see what you think.

chris scout 202 john150

i can do the early morning and stay ALL day if needed…so you guys decide what is best and i will do that…

2001 23 ft outrage with twin 150 opti’s…