
Been quiet for a long time. Dolly’s brothers and sisters are living in old age and doing well. Now China has cloned a Monkey.

My guess… they have cloned a human. If not someone has.

Need a new heart to replace your diseased one? how about a finger, arm, or leg? Oh gracious… How about a new younger body to put your brain in? Russia has experimented for many years on brain transplants… just imagine a perfect match to put one in?

how about a body ravished by cancer and a healthy brain? Oh nevermind we are too worried about illegal citizens.

Give man another hundred years in medical procedures, wonder if we will implode or explode into a world of wonder?

just babbling on an interesting topic. A topic/practice that has been declared illegal in the U.S. and many countries.

I hope they clone Christina Hendricks…

… and give her to me.


Originally posted by Fred67

Been quiet for a long time. Dolly’s brothers and sisters are living in old age and doing well. Now China has cloned a Monkey.

My guess… they have cloned a human. If not someone has.

Need a new heart to replace your diseased one? how about a finger, arm, or leg? Oh gracious… How about a new younger body to put your brain in? Russia has experimented for many years on brain transplants… just imagine a perfect match to put one in?

how about a body ravished by cancer and a healthy brain? Oh nevermind we are too worried about illegal citizens.

Give man another hundred years in medical procedures, wonder if we will implode or explode into a world of wonder?

just babbling on an interesting topic. A topic/practice that has been declared illegal in the U.S. and many countries.

This is a fascinating question, and one too complicated probably to hash out on here, but say we get a Fred67 clone to get you a new heart.

How does that go operationally?

Take your genes, put them in an egg, put it in a womb and raise a Fred67jr to young adulthood to get a heart big enough to transplant.

What do do you do with the rest of Fred67jr? What do you do with Old Fred67 in the interim?

Does Fred67Jr get a say in any of this or are we talking about growing Fred67Jr in a tube? What defines Fred67Jr’s personhood/rights?

Lots of science fiction on the topic, and dystopian future novel stuff. Wonder what a real life clone would be like and what would be expected of them outside of just a bag of organs?

Eventually they’ll grow another heart on or around your existing heart, probably in parallel with some sort of throttling valves to slowly build up the new heart muscle and transition away from the old.

The actually-happened-repeatably-example is ears. Several patients have grown replacement outer-ears on their arms or backs, etc. Some even grown in a petri dish!

A tiny heart was grown in a petri dish from human skin cell somehow, then it was placed on a rat heart. When blood touched it, it spontaneously starting beating. Crazy stuff.


Originally posted by mhebbard
Originally posted by Fred67

Been quiet for a long time. Dolly’s brothers and sisters are living in old age and doing well. Now China has cloned a Monkey.

My guess… they have cloned a human. If not someone has.

Need a new heart to replace your diseased one? how about a finger, arm, or leg? Oh gracious… How about a new younger body to put your brain in? Russia has experimented for many years on brain transplants… just imagine a perfect match to put one in?

how about a body ravished by cancer and a healthy brain? Oh nevermind we are too worried about illegal citizens.

Give man another hundred years in medical procedures, wonder if we will implode or explode into a world of wonder?

just babbling on an interesting topic. A topic/practice that has been declared illegal in the U.S. and many countries.

This is a fascinating question, and one too complicated probably to hash out on here, but say we get a Fred67 clone to get you a new heart.

How does that go operationally?

Take your genes, put them in an egg, put it in a womb and raise a Fred67jr to young adulthood to get a heart big enough to transplant.

What do do you do with the rest of Fred67jr? What do you do with Old Fred67 in the interim?

Does Fred67Jr get a say in any of this or are we talking about growing Fred67Jr in a tube? What defines Fred67Jr’s personhood/rights?

Lots of science fiction on the topic, and dystopian future novel stuff. Wonder what a real life clone would be like and what would be expected of them outside of just a bag of organs?

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