Close Call on Hwy

Leaving Bft today and approaching Whale Branch on Hwy 21.

Four lane Hwy with grassy median and someone running all of 60 comes across running full tilt right in front of me from oncoming direction. Never slowed down until they were at least 200yards across a field then slowed and drove back out to the Hwy.

Several vehicles stopped as dust was flying and wondering, WTF??

Talked to one of the guys that stopped and figured they must have fallen asleep with cruise control on…

Scared the chit out of me as all I could do was hit breaks wondering what way they were going to go…

Pay attention out there.


Crazy stuff on our roads. Went to see the Sister and Brother in Summerville Saturday to go to Sams (gotta get the bulk tp). What used to be a 15 min drive is now 45min.

Long story short, I hate traffic and we have a ton of idiots on our road systems. Glad you didn’t get hurt.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Probably some important text. Glad you weren’t hurt.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

saw a car pull out in front of a truck from a side road on harborview one day this week…truck had a black lab in the back which was thrown from the truck on the right side and into a yard I pulled over but a couple people were already with the injured dog. A blessing that it wasn’t thrown from the left side and into oncoming traffic
Roo is like a child to us…and I know opinions will run high on this…but no child of mine would be allowed to walk freely back and forth in the back of a moving truck… I know Roo would probably love it to…but I love her more than to let her do this. Hopefully the pup was ok.

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Originally posted by penfishn

saw a car pull out in front of a truck from a side road on harborview one day this week…truck had a black lab in the back which was thrown from the truck on the right side and into a yard I pulled over but a couple people were already with the injured dog. A blessing that it wasn’t thrown from the left side and into oncoming traffic
Roo is like a child to us…and I know opinions will run high on this…but no child of mine would be allowed to walk freely back and forth in the back of a moving truck… I know Roo would probably love it to…but I love her more than to let her do this. Hopefully the pup was ok.

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

I think most of us are with you on that one Mrs. Penfish. Only time mine get a ride in the back is if I’m on my property and they are muddy and not allowed in the cab. I guess some dog owners just don’t care for the safety of their pets letting them roam freely in the bed of a truck on public roads.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”