Coast Guard Copter base closing

This morning’s P&C reported that the local helicopter station at Johns Island airport is being closed by the Coast Guard due to funding cuts. I don’t know about the rest of you, but to me, that’s disappointing. Those copters may not be very busy with rescuing boaters on a daily basis but it sure is comforting to know that they are there when needed. And it’s nice to see them patrolling along the coast when you’re out in your boat!

Big GOV needs more cash to research more important things, like global warming and shrimp on a tread mill.

War Eagle 115 yamaha 4 stroke

With the boating community, not to mention the shipping traffic we have between Georgetown and Hilton Head, I think this is outrageous.

Which a.s.s.hat politician has gotten this squad moved to their district?

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

190cc Sea Pro w/130 Johnson
1- 19 year old (boy of leisure)
1 - 1 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


I’ll def miss seeing them and especially hearing them…that was a sound of safety…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

We have called and written our US Senators to voice our opinion why USCG Helo-base needs to remain open in Charleston.

If you feel it is important please voice your concern to them as well.

Senator Graham’s office 864-250-1417

Senator Scott’s office 843-727-4525

Share your USCG-Helo story and explain why it is so important to keep their presence in this busy commercial and recreational port.

Captain Anthony Noury
Sea Tow Charleston

The USCG is planning to remove the CG Helo from Charleston in November. TowBoat US Charleston and Sea Tow Charleston are very concerned with this decision.This is a vital resource for those who venture offshore and the backwaters of the SC coast. This also has increasingly more impact on those who venture offshore the farther north from Savannah you are. The response time to MI and MB is drastically impacted. The Helo is a resource that acts not only as a recovery asset but is also relied upon for Communication relays and situational assessment. Numerous cases when the VHF signal is too weak or compromised and valuable time is lost as the required assets are not launched until the Helo bridges the communication gap. Once on scene the Helo gets a true assessment of what is needed. All this in fractions of time compared to a water bound asset. In addition to extended travel time this will also severely restrict the on scene and search time capabilities due to fuel constraints. These are only a few negatives that don’t even address emergency medical situations. I strongly encourage you to contact BOTH Senators Graham and Scott and voice your concerns. Graham 864-250-1417 Scott 843-727-4525

Captain Steve Little
TowBoat US Charleston
Psalm 107:23-32