Commercial and Recreational crab pot spacing

I have fished these waters for a long time but I have only recently started putting recreational crab pots out. What does everyone think is acceptable spacing from commercial pots is? I definitely want to be respectful to our commercial watermen.

Good luck pal
I’ve seen pots from different crabbers very close together
Bottom line is they shouldn’t mess with yours.
I’m looking forward to hearing how you make out

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I don’ t know the answer to your question. I do know that crab pots can’t be placed near docks, 50 ft I believe. And also remember that your pot will move. The currents in the creeks are generally fast enough to push your pot away from where you originally placed it. Good Luck!!

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Put a big piece of rebar in your trap and it won’t move
I suggest putting your traps way back in a small creek where the big Carolina skiff doesn’t go.
You got me thinking about putting a pot out.
Especially with barbs post.
Hard to catch a mess on a chicken back nowadays
If my float comes up missing
There will be no floats for miles
If you get my drift.Haha