Computer Issues - ASUS Zenbook

So the past week or so I’ve been having issues with my computer randomly freezing (actually froze twice in the last ten minutes since typing this) and I haven’t been able to find a solution. I’ve seen had some IT people look at it and rule out any software issues (reinstalled the OS already) and contacted ASUS Tech Support to no avail. I’m assuming its hard drive related at this point, so I am wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to get it fixed. Is the hard drive hard to replace and if so, what would you recommend as a replacement?

“When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.” - Thomas Paine

Im sure you are computer savee,however when something like that happens to me I delete any recent updates, installs, etc…Then after that I under tools,accessories, I defrag everything and then disc clean up tool. If that doesnt work I would take it into a computer place.

What happens if your computer doesn’t have a disk cleanup or defrag choice?

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

When mine mess’s up, I run System Restore and take it back to an earlier date, when it was running OK!

Keep your task manager (control, alt, delete) running in the background and when the computer slows down take a look at the performance logs and see what is happening. If your C drive is maxing out you can likely google “C drive freezing ______ model computer” and find what program to delete. You can go to your “process” tab in your task manager and see what program it is but I wouldn’t end those task without checking what they do first.

First, Most, Biggest

As the guy that bought the computer, I’m a little ticked as it is less than 2 years old and has a SSD hard drive. I was told and have read how they are so much less problematic than traditional hard drives. Hoping one of these suggestions work. I would guess the next step provided none of these suggestions work would be a new HD.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

it does sound like you have a bad sector on your harddrive. go to Asus’s website and go to support. then type in your model number and download the Intel Management Engine Interface. this will help check the condition of your harddrive, cpu, RAM, etc. worst case scenario, if nothing shows up bad for your harddrive, try doing a fresh install of windows. back up all your stuff, then during a restart press F9 repeatedly. this will enter you into Asus’s built in windows repair. it will then give you a couple options to restore windows. if that doesnt fix your issue, you will most likely need a new HD.

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