[quote]OK, let me see if I have this correct.
I come in and start a thread about the crisis at the southern border, say Trump was doing a fairly good job, that Biden wasnt, and gave an analogy about a bathroom being flooded. I go on to say that I don’t think Trump actually meant for the capital to be sacked any more than I think Biden’s thought his rhetoric would explode into the situation with the small children at the border we find ourselves in today and most of the folks crossing the border won’t or can’t vote for years, or even decades.
Then, instead of offering any solutions whatsoever a few of you guys start bashing the left and anything Biden,sound familiar?
You call them “turds” and say their vote counts the same as mine. Without drawing you a picture you need to understand only citizens can vote, not green card holders and not illegals. Like I said, they can’t or wont vote for decades. This is fact, argue all you want, but…
Then my views are “emotional” and you go on to point out Biden stopped the wall and the contractors are still being paid while the democrats overlook the poor children already here in the US in their quest for votes. Then I am accused of being RBF and just stirring schitt up. Just wow…
Then to beat all Nutz comes in and says that the two small children tossed over the wall were “Illegals” and as soon as they crossed the U.S. border, and they became Perpetrators, in an active crime scene!
Really, I can only assume he believes it. Perpetrators. No Kidding. Perhaps he should look up the meaning of Perpetrators.
Then to top it off Im told my thoughts are specious, touchy feely, and baloney and ignores the reality of the situation. Not just that, but that Mr. Biden enjoys my unthinking devotion.
What thoughts, I just said it was a schitt show down south and it wasn’t all about votes. Even if it were, there are small kids involved and calling them turds with votes and Perpetrators, and vote stealers is just (