Cooling The Family Jewels

On sale this month at Deluth

Best drawers you will ever don

EF certified and approved

I’m a loincloth dude will never donn another tighty whitey or variations there of

I like Duluth stuff but man, is it pricey.

Im fairly new to Deluth stuff, but so far it seems to be what LL Bean used to be,good quality products built to last with a good guarantee

But yes, pricy.

My friend has some of the firehose pants, he swears by them. They arent really firehose material, more like Carharts with a better cut thru the seat and blended cotton.

Im gonna try a pair

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Fire hose britches are definitely sman approved! I have not lost a cell phone since I started wearing them exclusively about twenty years ago.You get what you pay for with that Duluth outfit.

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Mite wish I had these a month ago when I give them a test drive tomorrow

how do they get that material to feel cool to the touch?

I sure like mine

They claim it’s this junk, but I thought I had enough stones already :grin:

I soaked my stones today and wet my dogs