They are going off!! 40 to 50 fish per day, up to 20lb. Now’s the time to make a trip up. Eating any fly you throw.
“Well sounds like a textbook release. I’m sure he will live to fight another day.” – Misplaced Prioity
Cape Lookout!!
Man they are going nuts. I love catching reds on the fly, but these core are crazy. If you’ve never had the opportunity I highly suggest giving it a shot.
Whats core mean??? Sorry I am so stupid…
“Well sounds like a textbook release. I’m sure he will live to fight another day.” – Misplaced Prioity
False Albacore
Sorry, core= False Albacore.
I sat in Beaufort inlet on sunday with a bait ball under my boat. Caught em til my arms hurt. 9wt and 10wt fish, up to 15 lbs. Normally I wouldn’t broadcast it on the net, but it’s no secret. Everybody and their brother is plugging away at em, but this year has been the best I’ve experienced. Lots of fish, and they stay on the surface long enough to get a fly into the frenzy. Going again this saturday. I’ll try and post some pics.
I wish I was there instead of freezing my tail off in Michigan this week.
I love catching Fat Alberts . Nothing quite like hooking a live torpedo.
So much water, So little time
Ohhhh… fake tuna I have heard INSANE stories form some frinds down in Florida abotu them on the fly… wish I had a boat and was closer to beaufort Tear 'em up Brother and post some pix!!!
“Well sounds like a textbook release. I’m sure he will live to fight another day.” – Misplaced Prioity