Corona 2

Maybe you would care, but I doubt very much especially if any any of those were Trump supporters. Go ahead and add this to your line, I feel Vets (or anyone) shouldn’t use alcohol as a crutch.

I said nothing about a wealth tax, was actually referring to if our country got run by a Bernie Sanders and we went to a socialistic Nation. Was more of a pondering thing and it would apply to most everyone except those in charge.

I just went to a liquor store and grabbed a bottle of Jim bean. I was literally the only person in the store, and the cashier was wearing a mask and was standing behind a huge plexy glass window. I just don’t think it even remotely should be compared to hundreds, and in some cases thousands of people standing shoulder to shoulder coughing, sneezing, shaking hands, hugging, touching pews, chairs, collection plates, and opening their mouths huffing and puffing and singing for an extended period of time. I was in and out in less than 60 seconds, touched the bottle, debit card and sanitized before getting in the car. Again no one else, except the cashier was in the store. The risk was extremely low to myself, and more importantly to others. The same can’t be said about a packed church. I love Jesus just as much as anyone, I think he would understand giving it a rest for a couple of months in order to save lives. There are many instances with dozens infected inside just a single church, and many deaths have occurred. It’s just common sense not to pack a bunch of people in a room together during a pandemic. Jesus did say somewhere Thou shall not kill:smiley:

Did the same except bottle of potatoe juice. One vinyl glove on for door, passed chip card over device, used Q-tip from pocket for code and enter, gave cashier the Q-tip, I was outta there.

You doubt, but don’t know… Sounds par for the course…

I don’t advocate using anything as a crutch either, but you don’t pull alcohol away during a pandemic…

The only way to take a “nest egg” would be via a wealth tax… A nest egg is the principle amount someone has saved, not future earnings… How else would they take a “nest egg”?


Simple solutions, drive-thru liquor stores or…



I don’t know what all the fuss is about. I’ve been washing my black lab with clorox bleach ever since this pandemic began, and see no ill effects


Lol, and he ain’t got the crud covid

My knuckle head watched Drumpf’s task force briefing yesterday and decided to do a “shelter in place” UV light treatment… She claims it works and is now free & clear of the corona…


What took you so long?

God forbid anybody post something funnier than you think YOU are.

Never said RBRs wasn’t funny, and certainly not trying to one up him… Just playing along… Guess you take things a little too seriously!


Heard about it, but have never tried having “The Last Word”… Maybe I’ll try it one day…



RBF, RBR there’s no doubt your babies eat good.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

RBF gots jokes…

You need to take them pups out for a walk!!! Or an Armadillo hunt.

Thank you, I think… Mine ain’t pretty like RBRs…


Mine is a trans-species… She identifies as a human…


Rbr’s dog is a true champion and natural born killler:smiley:I just seen her knock out this plate of roast beef and super gravy in one sitting.

If Peter head is feeding his pups that, I might need to pull up a chair. I loves some roast beef over taters with lots of gravy. I’d even let him bash Trump while I was eating and not talk back.

Runbabyrun, from some of the food photo’s you’ve shared over the years, I believe you eat well!

Fred plenty of room at my table for you and RBF. I’ll sit you two at the two ends, so you will be out of range of RBF flicking mash potatoes at you:smiley:I find it’s a great way to get folks together that normally don’t agree. There is something about a good home cooked meal that brings folks together. It allows people to relax and enjoy each others company and maybe get a little insight into the other persons view points. I think the majority of Americans are closer than the media likes them believe. Most people are generally good and are capable of finding common ground over some gravy. That was an eye of the round roast which is a cheep tough piece of meat that most people don’t buy because it comes out chewy as heck. It has a beautiful flavor and if not over cooked and allowed to rest a long time before slicing it can be delicious. The key to making it tender is to slice it as thin as possible. When it’s not over cooked, and sliced very thin it is a true Sunday dinner treat with some good mash tater and gravy. That gravy was some I had left over from Christmas in the freezer. It was a mix from left over pot roast gravy, reduced veal glace and duck Jus. I gave it a splash of cream, plenty of pepper and a little fresh rosemary. When you and RBF are ready for the Roast beef summit you let me know. Breaking bread can be a beautiful thing:smiley: