Corona 2

That is indeed generous! We do eye of round pretty often, the flavor is fantastic. Have found them reasonable at B.J.s in Summerville. The wife browns it before going in the oven and as you stated thinly cut. Probably my favorite cut for roast other than a nice big sirloin roast. I’ll bet your gravy really sets it off.

I volunteer to be a meat eater oops I mean. mediator.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

I found the perfect pooch for you…


Oh man thats just wrong…

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Animal shelter getting overwhelmed. People dropping off their pets. $ but a lot of them think there pets can give them beer virus.
Wife’s got a friend that works there. she’s trying to get us to Foster a Shepherd puppy. Not going to do it.If she come here she would never leave.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Held hostage by a so called medical expert who holds vaccine patents

this is BS, reopen the country

The U.S. saw 2,909 people die of Covid-19 in 24 hours, according to the data, which was collected as of 4 a.m. ET on Friday.

That’s the highest daily death toll in the U.S. yet based on a CNBC analysis of the WHO’s daily Covid-19 situation reports.

Another 4 weeks is what CDC says. Dr Birx wants the idiots protesting to practice social distancing. If the protesters want to go back to work, get a job. I have seen many “Now Hiring” signs at the pharmacy, grocery , and the hardware store…go apply instead of acting like an idiot protesting, and not practicing social distancing.

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator, expressed concern Sunday about the lack of social distancing at protests and rallies against stay-at-home orders.

“It’s devastatingly worrisome to me, personally, because if they go home and infect their grandmother or their grandfather who has a comorbid condition, and they have a serious or a very unfortunate outcome, they will feel guilty for the rest of our lives. So, we need to protect each other at the same time we’re voicing our discontent,” Birx said when asked on Fox News about demonstrators crowding into the state capitol in Michigan last week.

Similar protests have taken place across the country against restrictive measures aimed at containing the spread of the virus, and many states have begun to reopen amid political and economic pressure.

“Every single metro area and every single outbreak across the country is different,” Birx said. But she stressed that “as states reopen, we really want them to follow the gating criteria” outlined last month by the administration. Under those guidelines, states should see two consecutive weeks of a decline in cases before beginning to reopen.


The U.S. saw 2,909 people die of Covid-19 in 24 hours, according to the data, which was collected as of 4 a.m. ET on Friday.

That’s the highest daily death toll in the U.S. yet based on a CNBC analysis of the WHO’s daily Covid-19 situation reports.

Another 4 weeks is what CDC says. Dr Birx wants the idiots protesting to practice social distancing. If the protesters want to go back to work, get a job. I have seen many “Now Hiring” signs at the pharmacy, grocery , and the hardware store…go apply instead of acting like an idiot protesting, and not practicing social distancing.

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator, expressed concern Sunday about the lack of social distancing at protests and rallies against stay-at-home orders.

“It’s devastatingly worrisome to me, personally, because if they go home and infect their grandmother or their grandfather who has a comorbid condition, and they have a serious or a very unfortunate outcome, they will feel guilty for the rest of our lives. So, we need to protect each other at the same time we’re voicing our discontent,” Birx said when asked on Fox News about demonstrators crowding into the state capitol in Michigan last week.

Similar protests have taken place across the country against restrictive measures aimed at containing the spread of the virus, and many states have begun to reopen amid political and economic pressure.

“Every single metro area and every single outbreak across the country is different,” Birx said. But she stressed that “as states reopen, we really want them to follow the gating criteria” outlined last month by the administration. Under those guidelines, states should see two consecutive weeks of a decline in cases before beginning to reope

RePeter, you going to sit at the table next to the person coughing and sneezing ?

Polly you still going to the grocery store? How about the person 5 min before you picked up that can of sardines that sneezed on it? Come on this aint as bad as being portrayed. It’s tragic people are dyeing because of what China did to us, but you can’t live in fear and believe what you hear in the mainstream media. We now know New York Lied to the Country about 4000 deaths that were not Wuhan virous, but you don’t hear much about that in the news. Doesn’t fit their fearmongering model. Who else lied to get the Wuhan money? I’m sure not just New York.

How about the testing in California and finding many that have already had this thing and gotten over it before the New York outbreak?

Limited grocery store runs, and wearing a mask, packaging is removed or disinfected at the house, CVS has a drive through, wear a nitrile glove at filling station. My wife is immune sensitive, she hasn’t been in a store since this pandemic, we take it seriously. If she catches it, not good, already know what happened at St. Andrews, neighbor was in the service when one priest collapsed, quarantine for him was a nightmare.

At this point, it doesn’t matter how covid19 originated, or how it arrived here. New figures that came out yesterday predict 100,000 deaths…I honestly thought we would stay around 50-60,000. Now is not the time to end social distancing, now is the time to listen to medical experts and follow their advice…

Folks need to think about the elderly, especially with prior underlying conditions, if they catch it, they’re most likely going to die. Immune sensitive or compromised, same deal. Asthma and COPD patients, bad news if you catch it.

Let the idiots protest, but they should heed the advice of Dr Birx, the medical expert picked by the “Corona virus task force “ Also, let the experts that were picked , testify!

My wife is extremely compromised.with her spleen being removed a couple years ago and rare form of blood cancer. Hasn’t been anywhere since beginning of March. This weekend we went to see the grandbabies. Could not talk her out of it.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Good for yall. At some point, we realize we are either living, or simply existing. This is no way to live.

Disorder.</font id=“red”>


Have I posted this already. Thought I had, but, can’t find it. So, here it is again.

Have we accidentally changed our objective?

When the shelter-in-place stuff started, we weren’t trying to stay safe. Safe was understood to be impossible. The experts were telling us that this bug was so virulent/contagious that we’d nearly all get it. The trick was to try to slow the spread so that we could keep our need for hospitals/ICU units/ventilators/etc below our capacity to provide these things. Flatten the curve.

Since then, I think we’ve either allowed ourselves to, or been deftly convinced to, adopt another objective, to be safe.

From what I understand about our situation:
1 - this bug is that contagious. It jumps from human to human like a flu or even more easily. That is exacerbated by two things. One, lots of people apparently get the bug, their immune system fights it and wins easily, they show no symptoms, but, they walk around spreading the bug for a week or so. And, two, many people who do present symptoms are contagious for a week or more before they show those symptoms.

2 - The way this bug will slow and end (to the extent it will), is when we gain some level of herd immunity either because enough of us have had it and/or enough of us have been vaccinated. (Guess that is vaccinated, either way, naturally or artificially.)

We have exchanged shelter-in-place to slow the spread for shelter-in-place until it is safe.

I think that if my assumptions are reasonable, there is no such thing as ‘safe’.

If this is correct, the appropriate strategy is to return to normal life as quickly as we can while keeping our need for hospitals/ICUs and the such below our capacity.

If we do not, we may get caught in a months long effort to be ‘safe’ that will never work. Our economy will be decimated. The death toll (literally, death toll) from the cure will end up being worse that the disease. Gotta realize when economies crash, many many people die. Suicid

Science- not politics and cronyism-has to lead the way…


[quote]Have I posted this already. Thought I had, but, can’t find it. So, here it is again.

Have we accidentally changed our objective?

When the shelter-in-place stuff started, we weren’t trying to stay safe. Safe was understood to be impossible. The experts were telling us that this bug was so virulent/contagious that we’d nearly all get it. The trick was to try to slow the spread so that we could keep our need for hospitals/ICU units/ventilators/etc below our capacity to provide these things. Flatten the curve.

Since then, I think we’ve either allowed ourselves to, or been deftly convinced to, adopt another objective, to be safe.

From what I understand about our situation:
1 - this bug is that contagious. It jumps from human to human like a flu or even more easily. That is exacerbated by two things. One, lots of people apparently get the bug, their immune system fights it and wins easily, they show no symptoms, but, they walk around spreading the bug for a week or so. And, two, many people who do present symptoms are contagious for a week or more before they show those symptoms.

2 - The way this bug will slow and end (to the extent it will), is when we gain some level of herd immunity either because enough of us have had it and/or enough of us have been vaccinated. (Guess that is vaccinated, either way, naturally or artificially.)

We have exchanged shelter-in-place to slow the spread for shelter-in-place until it is safe.

I think that if my assumptions are reasonable, there is no such thing as ‘safe’.

If this is correct, the appropriate strategy is to return to normal life as quickly as we can while keeping our need for hospitals/ICUs and the such below our capacity.

If we do not, we may get caught in a months long effort to be ‘safe’ that will never work. Our economy will be decimated. The death toll (literally, death toll) from the cure will end up being worse that the disease. Gotta realize when economies crash, many many people die.

Only problem is those that choose to ignore the facts and go out will drag it to those others that are taking precautions… Such as when they drag the virus to others that work with them…

The quarantine worked and did in fact “flatten the curve” and the other benefit of stretching out the timeline is all the medical advancements that will be made available thru learning more about the virus… Beats drinking lysol for a cure…

Also, Drumpf could have opened the country anytime he wanted based on his declaration of “total authority” regarding the matter… Blame Drumpf since he kept everyone locked up…


Be opened minded for once RBF and Polly, we do not know if the quarantine worked or not. Fact. We assume it may have. again, be open minded. California is showing many to have had this virus through testing and it’s believed Californians have developed herd immunity as Early as November. Many more visitors from CHina go to California than New York. It made it to new york and went crazy in all the confined unclean areas. 8 million people live in New York… really not that bad of a death rate (specially if you subtract the 4000 that did not die from Wuhan that got put on the Wuhan roster).

Again be open mined and put your fear of living in an imperfect World aside, We need to get this country back up and running. If we don’t act quickly we are going to be in a World of hurt. You think a few thousand deaths from Wuhan virus is bad, see what happens when people start starving. There will be no reasoning with a starving free Ice Cream mind set person.

Polly I can not give you any grief for your earlier post and protecting yourself and Wife. This thing is real and dangerous, but so is life.