Corona 2

Girly man…


No Sir, I just think a well groomed appearance is an important part of a Man’s Life. I do not want the Government to dictate my life.

Get used to it, ain’t gonna be the same…

Just like them cars going around in circles up in Darlington today, ain’t gonna be the same beaux.

What!! Aint gonna be the same!! Well I guess if you play into the hands of your Clinton/Pelosi Hero’s and socialism. I sure hope you are wrong.

I will not get “used” to it, I’ll just find an undercover barber. SOB, open up the country……… F… socialism and Government control. You need to think about what you are saying… Your Coyote killing days and sitting waiting for doves to fly over giving your pooch some exercise may get slammed into the dirt if this continues. Talking about dove… how the heck do they know when sunflower seeds are on the ground? I put out 100lb and some of it went into the horse pen because the daughter moved them to her place, I figured fenced in no deer. counted 16 dove walking the ground. Let em eat what I didn’t cover, I won’t shoot them. :smiley:

I’m not talking about haircuts Bo-cat. If you think everything is going back to “ normal “, then you’re dreaming. I don’t want this anymore than you, would rather be hauling horses to and from shows, haven’t been to a show since early March. USEF has posted new rules for showing next month, and it doesn’t sound fun…complete change from the “old” format.

Not playing into anyone’s hands. Doctors, immunologists, scientists are who I’m listening to, and hoping for a vaccine soon. Maybe if everyone was tested, then we’d have a better idea of direction. Until then, social distancing, no large crowds indoors, hand sanitizing and washing. Wear a mask.

Hell could freeze over, but I’ll still be shooting grey birds for my little brown dog, bet your ass on it!

Blame Drumpf since he claims he can open the country anytime he chooses…


Now there is a statement in your reply I can deal with.

I have no doubt our Country will be changed forever after this baby outbreak and all the fear mongering that has been going on. 100,000 out of our population is only .0305% Sorry your are so scared by the fear mongering being done by our Government and media.

How do you think a Mask is helping if we are social distancing? Masks are just a feel good thing. It’s a lie, no different that the Government telling me I can’t get a hair cut because I’m gonna spread Wuhan virus.

Question for you polycuck, if you fart when wearing your mask like a good little koolaid drinker, can you smell it? How’s them good doctors helping your business?

c/p- In conclusion: Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci misled the White House and the American public.
The economy is destroyed and over 30 million Americans have lost their incomes.

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx should resign immediately and face criminal charges for defrauding the US government and American public.

I hope you feel safer after you get your Trump’s Operation Warp Speed injection that contains a really beautiful additive that changes folks that don’t know what they’re doing into repukes. Hell, then you could send Donnie T a donation big enough to get invited on a hunt with his sons. What irony trading a Falsey mask for a MAGA camouflage cap…hang in there boi, better days are coming

RePeter is saying the doctors dont know what they’re talking about?

Maybe if trump would have listened , and taken a little advice , we wouldn’t be in this spot? President Obama was a hell of a lot smarter that fat Donnie.

Doctors helping my business? Glad you asked! Rent is continuing to flow like water! We have shifted gears last few years and invested in medical facilities, everyone wanted to jump on the housing train…enjoy that ride. So, thanks for asking

Better days are coming? How can you guarantee that? This economy has a long,long long way to go…mom and pop businesses, most of t

I reckon this virus ain’t disappearing from the heat?

We’re past the first wave, second coming in the fall…

If you reckon the summer heat won’t affect the Wuhan bug, why you think there will be a second wave this fall?

If we can keep everyone together and get our herd immunity up it shouldn’t be too bad this fall.

Fox News , Alfredo… your go-to news outlet says so!


All the news outlets seem to be saying the same thing. I like Fox, but it’s not my “go to”, station.

I guess better safe than sorry in some cases.

More infectious now…

Alfred Hitchcock presents Trump!

HOUSTON/MIAMI (Reuters) - The U.S. coronavirus crisis worsened on Tuesday as more states reported record rises in new cases, with Florida fast running out of available hospital intensive care unit (ICU) beds.

Florida, Texas and California are among roughly two dozen states that have experienced an alarming rise in infections in the past two weeks, a sign that efforts to control the spread of the novel coronavirus have failed in much of the country.

In Florida, more than four dozen hospitals across 25 of 67 counties reported their ICUs had reached full capacity, data published by the state’s Agency for Health Care Administration showed. Only 17% of the total 6,010 adult ICU beds statewide were available on Tuesday, down from 20% three days ago.

Health officials are bracing for a wave of further hospitalizations that could strain healthcare systems in densely populated areas, leading to an uptick in COVID-19 deaths. Increased deaths tend to lag a rise in new cases by a month or more.

More than 130,000 Americans have already died from the illness - about a quarter of the global total.

Florida’s coronavirus cases have soared in the last month, with the state’s daily count topping 10,000 three times in the last week. COVID-19 fatalities were up nearly 19% in the last week compared with the week prior, bringing the state’s death toll to more than 3,800.

What happened to the video?

It did not fit YouTube’s narrative.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.