Corona 2

How’s the old saying go?

My wife is extremely compromised. She had to have her spleen removed 5 years ago. She’s has a form of blood cancer. And has chemo every month.
We don’t do the restaurant thing drive-thru or pick up none of that. We get groceries. do the call and pick up. Wash everything down as it comes in the house. I wear a rubber glove when I pump my gas.still working keep my distance from the guys as much as possible. The majority of them are wearing masks.Carry my little hand sanitizer in my pocket.
We went and seen the grandkids two weekends ago.told her part of the deal for her going she could not use the public restroom so I made her pee in the woods.checked in the motel. Lysol it from one end to the other and then went and played with grandbabies for a while the room aired out. Put the sign up so we didn’t have housekeeping. If someone comes to the house we sit outside and keep our distance. Maybe going somewhat overboard but still trying to live our lives. I think we need to get things open back up but just use common sense and for us that are compromised or compromise loved ones be extra extra careful.

Let’s go live our lives especially you folks that don’t have issues. Get out there and support your local businesses before they go away and never come back.

this is just what pelosi and her crowd wants. Get everybody on the government role.

As sman said a while back pitchforks and torches. It’s coming

Fred glad everything worked out for your dad. My father-in-law had that procedure a few years back. Caused him to have a stroke. I never quite got over.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Gail, I understand all retirees, kids, and elders staying home, but the working class needs to work. You have to realize our country is being forced falsely to rely on the government more than any time in our history. Trust me, I pray every night for everyone’s health and safety, I also know life is not always safe. You have to live. Thank God our ancestors didn’t live like we do, we’d still be in the Dark ages. Might not hurt for a few people to learn restraints and cheaper eating habits. After all we have the fattest poor people in the world.

I think what we need to do is assess just what is best for our families… Letting our Country be destroyed because of the divide and hate for Trump, or coming together and getting those that can back to work. This thing is bad, but not to chastise anyone, I don’t think it is as bad as the super media scare tactic is making it. Look at California over New York and Jersey. Herd immunity started back in November. Let’s look at the root cause of why they got hammered much worse. Cleanliness, Climate, Grouping together, Lifestyle, etc?.. something is different because more from Wuhan came into California than anywhere else. Media hype.

Do a timeline search on this thing George. At first the media screamed no Ventilators would kill millions, now it is found that 80% on ventilators die anyway. Then the media screamed hospital bed shortages… never happened. We have Hospitals all over our country begging to do needed surgery’s with tons of open beds. It’s the blood clots this thing creates in our bodies that is doing the re

Super media? WTF dude…the dictator you love ,said it’s going to disappear without a vaccine, really?

It’s been 111 days since the first reported case of the coronavirus in the United States. It’s been 57 days since President Trump issued social-distancing guidelines, and 12 days since they expired.

Yet the Trump administration still has no plan for dealing with the global pandemic or its fallout. The president has cast doubt on the need for a vaccine or expanded testing. He has no evident plan for contact tracing. He has no treatment ideas beyond the drug remdesivir, since Trump’s marketing campaign for hydroxychloroquine ended in disaster. And, facing the worst economy since the Great Depression, the White House has no plan for that, either, beyond a quixotic hope that consumer demand will snap back as soon as businesses reopen.

So what you believe is our President is doing nothing? Come on get rid of the hate. Our country is Ballz to the wall trying to defeat this crap China unleashed on the world. we are not opened up, but need to be. What you need to be worried about is the 6 trillion your girl pelosi is pushing… If you want to live in fear, fear that.

So, do we need to rename the 1918 “Spanish Flu” the “Kansas/American flu” since this is where it appears to have originated?

c/p: "So if the contemporary observers were correct, if American troops carried the virus to Europe, where in the United States did it begin?

Both contemporary epidemiological studies and lay histories of the pandemic have identified the first known outbreak of epidemic influenza as occurring at Camp Funston, now Ft. Riley, in Kansas."

I guess the USA has been trying to blame others, with a catchy labeling initiative/tactic, for pandemics isn’t something new after all…:wink:

Let’s see there is also the Carolina swine flu we unleashed on the World:


Alfredo probably didn’t know we’re responsible for the turkey virus as well …I say “we”, cause it originated in South Cackalackie

US battles high-pathogenic bird flu in South Carolina turkey farm
US authorities have confirmed the country’s first case of high pathogenic avian influenza in commercial poultry in 3 years. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported a case of H7N3 bird flu in a turkey ■■■■■ in Chesterfield county, South Carolina.

I have no problem naming a disease by the area where it originated

Me either.

I third that.
Naming it the coronavirus.
I’m pretty sure that it has hert sales of Corona beer. My beer of choice that leaves more for me!!
The Chinese flu.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

The question is, what is the point? It is best known as Covid-19, or Coronavirus?

It is an obvious attempt to deflect from the botched response from Drumpf…



The biggest point is people getting offended for no good reason for calling it the wuhan virus. Seems too many think It is wrong to even bring China’s name into this thing that they could have stepped up and saved many lives. I guess the younger generation and many of the older just don’t get how bad China is and would rather defend a communist nation rather than America.

It didn’t come from pangolins because it was created in a laboratory

make China pay for the wuhan-flu

Has your anger overtaken the manufactured fear yet?

c/p- The motives, though, are less important than the basic and undeniable fact – the fear currently gripping the public mind is being simultaneously encouraged and acknowledged as unnecessary by the bodies overseeing the ‘response’.

Open the dam country up and stick all the masks up Falsey’s ass this is nothing more than a political scheme

Conspiracy-Pseudoscience source…

c/p: “Overall, we rate OffGuardian a Strong Conspiracy and Moderate Pseudoscience website that also promotes Russian propaganda.”</font id=“red”>



Roosterboi disorder, fo sho!!


Why waste time and money on Operation Warp Speed when Gates and Falsey are going to end up in prison?

and there’s already a cure like Trump told you

the dems just want to crash the economy after their lies about flattening the curve. Now their big pharma campaign donations are beholden to a vaccine.

remember the mediocrats told you Georgia’s governor Kemp was putting a death sentence on his citizens? the cases have declined since reopening

Trump haters can stay home and wear their masks but responsible Americans want to provide for their families so stand aside

The psychobabble dynamic duo rides again…


I want a hair cut. This crap is infringing on my rights.

This crap won’t go away until the Dems get their wish of completely destroying our economy and making certain all the free Ice Cream crowd is completely addicted to having the Government care for them.

Sadly I don’t think we have begun to see the fall out of all this nonsense, and the Dem’s wanting to add another 3 Trillion in the “hero’s Act”. I’ve got a piece of paper in my truck that says I’m an essential worker, what make a doc, fireman, or any other individual doing the job they chose to do any different than I, in giving tax brakes and extra money to? Of course I Respect all first responders , Docs and such as we all do, but it’s their Job to look after sick people by golly. The Dems are only naming it this to give it more chance of passing with all the billions of dollars going to things not even remotely related to curing Wuhan virus and helping those affected by it. Enough is enough. Time for Pelosi and her cronies to get some reality and realize not all Americans have multiple $24,000 freezers filled with designer Ice Cream.