
Your right.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Mdaddy that would have had the snowflakes in Daytona Beach scattering. After the switch they made them do pt I love it.

Myrtle Beach and North Myrtle Beach just ordered no short-term rentals.
Part of our company does high-rise waterproofing. The motels have a poor season they don’t have the money to do the work in the fall.I already see hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of contracts being cancelled this coming fall.
The coating we use for walkways and balconies the plant is shut down. Job supposed to be finished mid April don’t look like that’s going to happen.
I was supposed to start a 8 month project on the 1st. Been put off indefinitely. Not looking good for the home team.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Nice, I see what you did their…:smiley:



I can’t help not liking you so I’ll be the RIGHT/RITE/WRIGHT Twix bar and you can be the LEFT/PORT Twix bar.
In case you haven’t noticed…they took down the edit button. Cortana gets -10 for spelling.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Trump hate kills people

Bay, That was interesting how the Nevada Gov would rather see citizens die than get a drug showing effectiveness - the strange part is that Dem’s usually prefer killing babies!

Haha, still using your fake sources…



Yeah, I like you too mdaddy… You seem like a good dude…

I can be either of the Twix bars given the situation… I can debate from either side successfully…

Just for you… I’ll play the part of the southpaw twix bar…


The Repubs made it legal to kill babies with their majority RvW decision and all the blood is on their hands… Funny how the Repubs try to hide they are the ones that only started caring about killing babies after they wanted to get the Dem Catholic vote to gain power…

Now, the Drumpf loyalist would rather old people go back to work and die to save the economy and Drumpf’s reelection chances…

Go to work Nachoboy with your underlying conditions… Take one for the Drumpf loyalist team…


We gwan to half to do something about you’re low self-esteem. You sure you don’t write President Trumps speeches???
I’m interested about you’re thoughts on the edit button removal.
Oh, and let’s keep it to dialogue and let others be the bomb throwers…(keep that between us) …since I’m special.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

There ya go… Old news and out of context that has since been shifted. Ya just can’t let it go. But you know what? I think it is not a hoax, but has been greatly politicized to the point of almost being a hoax. What has this new 2 trillion dollar bill done? 1400 pages just like the obuma health care b.s. Ya gotta sign it to find out what’s in it. isn’t there like 35 million for arts… and so much more pork?

Hammurred asked if anybody was concerned about the Wuhan virus. Yes I’m worried about it. Very worried about how our future generations will pay for this additional debt we just keep building. This Hoax is just a scam to pass Dems dream goals of more socialism. Sad that they are using a real and potential death sentence for many Aging and sickly Americans to do this. and to be fair it’s not just the dems, republicans as well. We need to get back to work and let the chips fall where they may.

The fourth wall of the fence is up my friends. Government Control is not the friend you think it is. Wake up.

Geez, Alfredo the bill was authored by the Repuke controlled Senate and approved but you are mad at the Dems…

Why don’t you write Drumpf on twitter and tell him to veto it… Will you denounce Drumpf for signing it?

The Dems did some real good things in this bill you should appreciate as a tax payer:

The Dems also in good faith blocked many others from not profiting from it:


The bill bans stock buybacks for any corporation that accepts government loans during the term of their assistance plus one year.

Schumer added a provision to ban businesses owned by the president, vice president, members of Congress and the heads of federal executive departments from


The Repubs made it legal to kill babies with their majority RvW decision and all the blood is on their hands… Funny how the Repubs try to hide they are the ones that only started caring about killing babies after they wanted to get the Dem Catholic vote to gain power…

Now, the Drumpf loyalist would rather old people go back to work and die to save the economy and Drumpf’s reelection chances…

Go to work Nachoboy with your underlying conditions… Take one for the Drumpf loyalist team…


RBF, your BS is seen thru by anyone that has half a brain. Regardless of any law, who takes advantage of it for convenience/lifestyle?? Per Capita again, as you like to throw out twisted numbers. It’s more than obvious which side takes advantage of that.

Trump does care about the economy, should he not?? You mention he doesn’t care about older folks…Do you know who would be allowed back to work?? Companies are working thru advice of the CDC. With you being retired and all, what do you know about the current working environment??

Pretty sorry that you would talk that garbage about Nature Boy as well…

With all this said, please give us all advice on what Trump should be doing during these unprecedented times. Please…


I was being nice to you because I can pick up on folks with special needs…

Edit button here works fine as long as the edit is performed before someone else replies…

We would be much better off as a country if someone could figure out how to remove Drumpf’s edit function… Might hear a consistent story even if it is a lie… Drumpf lies about lying…


Oh, that’s easy… Drumpf should resign as he is unfit for office…


Figures, you won’t address everything. Your quick reply to one question didn’t even answer the question asked. Again, what should Trump be doing that he is not??? He’s not perfect, but you sure as hell act like you are…BTW, give Poly a cracker as he’s right there with ya…

BTW, thought you would be gone longer than this, after the Palmer Smackdown…Loved it. Sure do miss Lee smacking you down even more.

EDIT to ask, what do ya think about the trash the Dems have added to the Stimulus Bill??? Really??? How in the hell do they have the gonads to do this???


It’s really a shame when grown men on a fishing sight resort to correcting spelling. Shows just how desperate some are to seem relevant. Got to be an extreme nerd or sociopath to go so far with it.

Can’t we just take it easy and try to feel/understand what the writer wants to convey overall? I think pretty much all on this sight do this. With the exception of Polly and RBF, anyone else I’m missing? I could be getting lazy and missing someone. You know I’m x military and tend to be lazy and as RBF stated a bit ago dumber than most because I joined the Military.

There’s no need to address the other items in your rant as my answer covers them all…

No person is perfect, but Drumpf is too far from it to stay in office. He should resign and would do so if he truly loved the country more than himself and his need for attention… Hand it over to Pence and let’s get to work without all the BS from Drumpf…

Drumpf considers himself perfect as he always rates himself a 10 outta 10 when asked to grade his own performance…