My wife taught may children with special needs, She never spell corrected any of them. We have some that still come to our house that she had a huge impact on their life’s. I resent your remark about special needs people. I really doubt you give a shat about anyone with special needs. Keep spell checking and twisting. Yes many military members are too lazy to vote. You think you are being cute, but you are actually just showing your true color of being a jerk and hating being wrong about so many things… and then being called out on them.
This is where you deserve an f you and pizz on you for your disrespect of “special needs people”. True colors. A registered Republican? I think not. Just more lies from you.
Yeah, and only a jerk would misinterpret a lighthearted poke as something more than it was intended… Even mdaddy knew I was funning him…
Interesting how you talk down to Bob 241 about him being proud of his many accomplishments in the military by telling him how he should be humble because that’s how you and your family are about it… But, just like the others that have hated on Bob 241 about him posting his shadow box you sure do want to talk about your military past… Perhaps you should take you own advice and just leave it in the past and quit talking about it all the time since you are so humble about it…
I have 2 special needs (Downs) relatives. You really need to get over yourself and relax… I guess your stock portfolio and work stress have gotten the best of you…
Berate your Demagogue for making fun of special needs people that disagree with him…
I go away to read about the effects of decadron versus prednisone on ARDS and you girls are fighting. RBF meant no harm and shouldn’t be taken out of context. I was looking up the Marshall Plan before to see how much money it was…ala Marshall Law. I laughed at myself when RBF pointed it out. Let it drop. We all know special needs peeps and they’ed think it was funny too.
Now, to throw fuel on the fire…hammered are you listening??? AND I FOUND THE EB RBF!!!
The SEIU “found” 39 million masks… It was on Yahoo and they took it down in a bout 5 miutes.
Ok so your spell correction wasn’t you being a jerk. fair enough on that one.
All the time? No that’s a twist from you. I’ve never told Bob to be humble only what I try to do. that’s untrue and a twist. I’ve stated I’m that way and truthy stated I don’t understand a reason to glorify medals that could only be earned through the DEATH of other humans. Deaths that were ordered by our superiors that we obeyed loyally for our Country. I’ll not leave in the past your disrespect for our military. I’ll not search it, but you, I and many others know you claimed our military were less intelligent than civilians plus several other disparaging statements. You are the one bringing up Bob. Funny how you two seem so bonded. It’s all good, life goes on and here we all type.
Just because you have relatives doesn’t give you ability to belittle. Actually stock portfolio isn’t looking too bad. Put some big money in Carnival and at home work out equipment manufactures + some major big leagues that dropped and have already come up . Relax? … sometimes not often. I smile and laugh more than you could ever imagine. I’d put a smiley face up but it seems some just don’t care for emojis oh what the heck it is Friday.
c/p-There are many reasons to take prudent action. There are no good reasons for fear and panic. The fear being promoted has no rational basis compared to regular influenza and the swine flu of 2009. We have a terrifying example in 9/11 of how easily manipulated fearful people are. Remaining calm and helping others do so is a big part of what your contribution to the disaster relief could be.
What the heck are you talking about Alfredo? There are many military medals awarded that are the result of courage and honor not related to death… The purple heart is for getting wounded (or dying) in battle… Doesn’t require someone to kill the enemy to get it.
As far as Bob 241, well I like the fact he is a decorated military bad ass that is a Dem (or seems to lean that way) and because of all the negative things you and the rest state about Dems. Bob241 just doesn’t fit the narrative and the political labeling you and other Drumpf loyalist like to try to attach to others that don’t conform…
You and others also took what Bob 241 did by proving his service out of context. He was challenged to prove he was in the military, and then quickly snapped a pic of his shadow box loaded up with medals as evidence… No one even knows whether he hangs them on a wall… They could have been in a closet… Shadow boxes are used to display and PRESERVE the medals… Also makes it easy to retrieve them if needed… Many military folks don’t brag by having a shadow box, but instead use them to pass them on to their family when
Capitalism at its finest… Supply and demand baby, buy low, sell high… They could have been sitting on these masks for years and there is storage costs, time value of money, etc… Gotta make a little money from it, and there isn’t anything wrong with it… Doctors, nurses, and soldiers don’t work for free either…
c/p- There was the $5 million for the “Help a Hipster” movement to throw parties, complete with nightclubs, indie rock bands and cash prizes, to encourage hipsters to stop smoking, and the more than $121,000 to study smoking in Russia. And then there are the obligatory animal studies, including $1 million to train marmoset monkeys to run on a treadmill in a hamster ball and $387,000 to give Swedish massages to rabbits – and then euthanize them at the end of the study.
Studying overweight people seems to be particularly popular – and sometimes oddly specific, as evidenced by the more than $3.5 million spent to see why lesbians are fat but gay men are not, the nearly $2.7 million spent on a weight loss program for truckers and $380,000 spent to study how social relationships contribute to weight problems in college.
“During the same period when we are told funding levels prevented the development of an Ebola vaccine, NIH was spending millions of dollars to determine why yawning is contagious, if drunk birds slur when they sing and if cocaine makes honey bees dance,” Sen. Jeff Flake noted in a May report on government-funded studies.
and require the CDC to work exclusively on what is was formed to do…there was research available 12 years ago these Coronavirus pandemics may occur…hello CDC
Hopefully the hospital ships have a good system of detecting and keeping out the sick. God bless the first responders. They are true American heroes. Everyone is hunkering down and they are running to the flames. We will remember who they are, and what they have done for us. Not all of them will make it and that is someones mom, pop, brother, sister or child. What selfless, incredible people they are. They have families too.
Eighty-six new cases here in SC on Friday totaling 539. Pretty big jump in one day. Y’all stay safe and someone check in on PeaPal, he made need a run to the store or something.