
Focus on this…and you may just learn something. The virus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes the disease COVID-19 was not made by man. It was not produced in a Chinese lab. It is a natural, wild-type virus. It has been sequenced and has been shown not to be created but arose naturally. I’ll cut to the important part of the paper that describes the sequence of the virus, so that you don’t have to trouble yourself reading all of it.

“Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”

Source for this astounding finding:

A lot of big name scientist are saying Man made sea tonic. :question: Which is it? We’ll probably never be told the truth. The one fact we all do know is China’s Number of new cases has not changed since January. Still holding at 82,000 cases with no new deaths. All the while the rest of the world is just growing in cases (2,373,096). America now at 742,458 cases. So does China have a cure? Something is not adding up. Manmade or naturally occurring China is a big fat liar and always has been to the rest of the World.


c/p- An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.

c/p- Rapid reconstruction of SARS-CoV-2 using a synthetic genomics platform

Strong possibility it was created in a lab, more to come as we peel the onion

Something to think about.
Have not harvested a deer in over 30 years have never took a wild hog. But at least that’s an option. And have the marsh just down the street. I guess for a lot of people in the cities they will just rely on big brother. Skip ahead to about minute 4

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Let people get hungry in today’s society. There will be a melt down. A starving Human is a dangerous thing. Might need to quit worrying about T.P and stock up on some Bubba Burgers. :smiley: With our anything to eat you won’t have to wipe your tail.

According to this scientist lockdowns only delay the inevitable

it would be tough to plant a garden in Michigan or Vermont…the government there have stopped the sales of seeds or plants

Duh, everyone knows it delays the spread which is why it is being done… To flatten the curve… Also, buying time for the rest of the folks will only help them as new scientific and medical discoveries will be available as the timeline for everyone to become infected increases which can help save lives…

If you have a problem with the lockdown please contact Drumpf as he has already stated he has absolute authority to open up the US anytime he wants…


AND, you honestly believe the US is truthful to its citizens, and especially other nations…


Absolutely not. I believe I’ve stated many times on this sight how much I distrust our Government. BUT, I trust our Government 100 fold over China. With your statement are you with the left in defending China?

Heck no I don’t defend China, as any idiot knows they lie… However, Drumpf sure did “supposedly” take their word at face value as he desperately wants to “pass the buck” and to blame them, or anyone else to cover his failures as a leader… Perhaps we should have a president that isn’t so naive and gullible…

Funny thing about WHO:


Lol! You sure do despise Trump! He ain’t so bad and certainly not a failure like you claim. I’d bet a nickel this whole corona fiasco has been used by your group as a last ditch effort of opportunity to bring down Trump. Won’t work though. He’s just too awesome. Stay safe out there!

Most people do despise Drumpf, even many that voted for him and will vote for him again… It is just their hatred of Dems that causes them to do so, not their respect or admiration of Drumpf…

Not sure about “my group” as I don’t have a “group” unless you mean independent and critical thinkers…

Drumpf failed on many levels… He had plenty of a heads up and could have started getting the country prepared instead of having rallies, playing golf, and calling it a hoax… Supply chains could have been established for critical items, testing procedures, etc. EVEN if the argument is the States were responsible, then a true leader calls the governors and collaborates and aligns everyone on what each party is responsible for accomplishing for readiness… There was no readiness preparation on a national level and all of this could have been done months in advance without shutting down the economy… Would have put us way ahead, but Drumpf just sat back and made light of it, name called, and played golf, etc…

I know it must hurt you deeply to see your Demagogue fail so miserably… Anyhoo, hope your garden takes some stress off of you as you seem rather touchy and tense… Stay home a few days and try to relax in your safe space as I believe you have a classic case of DFSD…

Oh yes, I forgot to mention… According to Drumpf he has the power to open up the country anytime he wanted as he has absolute authority… Can’t blame anyone but Drumpf for not opening the country quicker and in totality… I realize that is a tough pill for the Drumpf loyalist to swallow, but perhaps you can spend a few extra hours in the garden today to help you get

Hey Alfredo, here is your Demagogue praising China for their “transparency” and defending them to the World…


What do you honestly believe his purpose was in writing that tweet and what transpired immediately after it?

Jan 19: 1st U.S.carrier of COVID-19 goes into urgent care.
Jan. 20: Test results come back positive for COVID-19.
Jan. 20: Dr. Fauci announced: National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine.
Jan. 21: The CDC activated emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response.
Jan. 22: House Managers begin opening statements on Impeachment Trial.
Jan. 23: The CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed coronavirus test.
Insert Trump tweet.

Jan. 27: The CDC issued Level 3 travel health notice: Americans avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the coronavirus.
Jan. 29: The White House announced the Coronavirus Task Force to monitor & contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.
Jan. 30: The State Department has just issued a Level 4 warning ‘Do Not Travel’ to China due to the spreading coronavirus.
• Level 4 is the highest warning for the State Department to issue.

“Those currently in China should consider departing using commercial means. The Department of State has requested that all non-essential U.S. government personnel defer travel to China in light of the novel coronavirus,”
The full advisory from the State Department:
Do not travel to China due to novel coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China. On January 30, the World Health Organization has determined the rapidly spreading outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Travelers should be prepared for travel restrictions to be put into effect with little or no advance notice. Commercial carriers have reduced or suspended routes to and from China.
Trump Administration: Declared the coronavirus a public health emergency.

Here we go again with RBF and his CNN, MSDNC reporting. Your parrot, Poly should be along shortly.

Question, RBF. What president would be so engaged in solving this issue?? He never sleeps, and I can’t even imagine what dealing with China would be like during a time like this that he is trying to solve the trade imbalance. China is a communist regime that doesn’t give a (**() about it’s own people, let alone the US! Trump does!!

You bring up old news in another attempt to deparage OUR President, but as most folks on here know, never get any traction.

Sooo, what does OUR President do at this point?? It’s worse than 9-11 in many aspects. Forget your hindsight, what could have been done BS. Get with the program with your superior intelligence and come up with some ideas, again, other that what he should have done in January…

In closing, I’m blessed to be working from home, and have not lost my job. I’m ill with those that have!


Oh, fishy britche

Why do you keep pushing Demagogue? You are so wrong. I’m politely telling you that is B.S. Keep using that term, because I’m thinking you just do it to be hateful, but just know that it is not true.

Hurt me deeply?! Not at all. You’ll not get under my skin with that name calling B.s. You are better than that Joe.

So who are “most” people? Those you hang with?

Lost words DoubleN… RBJ will just twist if he answers. Hindsight is always 20-20… I think Mr. Trump has done a suburb job even with all the friction from the left looking to make things worse and start a coup against our President. You hear China is now saying this thing is America’s fault?! No B.S., China says Corona is America’s fault. I guess Trump shouldn’t bring Job’s back to America. Right RBF?

Oh, double chiNN…

So, essentially you are admitting Drumpf screwed up and are now doing the ole: “forget about the past, what do we do now” routine… Well, the one thing we can all do is vote for someone else that will be able to adequately function/perform as a President… Or, if there isn’t anyone worthy of our vote, don’t vote…

Reality is Drumpf learned nothing from H1N1 (Obama), and had plenty of time to plan and prepare for this…

For the record, Drumpf is THE President, I ain’t claiming his sorry arse…

I will give you credit for at least acknowledging this is a major event not to be taken lightly and certainly not a hoax…


Drumpf is your Demagogue, and it is easy to see… Not being hateful, just truthful… Reality is you are thin skinned at times as you have dropped a few f-bombs when you get all worked up… Most Drumpf loyalist are thinned skinned, and that is why they try to project that label onto the Dems… Drumpf loyalist are very sensitive folks for sure…

Most means the majority, and reality is just using the 2016 election results, the majority of people don’t like Drumpf… There are even more now it appears…