Yeah, it is getting rather embarrassing to watch you keep stomping on your own dick about this one… Prolly best to move on and lick your wounds, or what ever you can reach…
There really isn’t any thinking outside the box necessary, Drumpf should have been more proactive instead of reactive, end of story…
But, for fun and entertainment value purposes only, here is my solution:
Open the country and let out the Covidiots that want to roam and socialize because they are stupid and believe it is their “right”… Just make them sign a waiver refusing treatment of any kind if they contract the virus outside of home or work… If they contract it, and go to work and infect someone else and that person dies from it, then they should be tried for murder and executed… If it is a maybe they did or didn’t, just find them guilty anyway and set all these folks into a prison just for covidiot murders and infect them again with it and then let the sodomites give them what Drumpf has been doing to the country from the get go…
That’s all I have off the top of my head, have a good evening and stay safe…
And the twist. Plenty of time to prepare for an unknown enemy? So you are saying we should have vaccines ready to stop all new unknown viruses?. It would be easier to get the WORLD together and form some sort of plan for the Next inevitable Asteroid strike.
RBF, if Trump told the American People we have to prepare for the next wave of biological warfare the main stream media and Dems would be trying to get him put in a straight jacket.
One more bit of factual evidence of RBF against our Country and military. Don’t claim Trump, like so many others that don’t need to be in America as citizens. I claimed Obuma and would have died for him as our President. I didn’t like him, but that’s beside the issue.
As usual, you are half right… You are a lightweight…
Why are you asking me for all the solutions? I have already stated many of them…
Asking all these loaded questions is just a Drumpf loyalist way of deflecting… If you believe Drumpf did a great job of scrambling around at the last minute to take it seriously, then that is your choice… I have higher expectations for a President and the facts clearly indicate he failed miserably…
IMO, the FOOLS are the Drumpf loyalist as their Demagogue has really done a great job in fooling them…
It isn’t like the virus sneaked up on us… The awareness of pandemics has been around for ever… To assert that I am submitting we should have a vaccine by now is just you presenting a “straw man argument” and is silly…
We certainly could have started researching in the private sector quicker… IMO the readiness should have been getting all the supply chains built, taking inventory of what critical supplies that were already available at both the Fed, State and Local levels… Then, coordinating with the States/Locals as to the results of the inventories and where we had gaps, then reaching out to the private/corporate sector and letting them know of the potential needs and what would need to be accomplished on various timelines of the virus spread, etc. etc., etc. That actually would cost hardly any money as we wouldn’t start to spend unless we found out we had nothing available and then they should have started ordering the supplies then… Supplies such as: masks, respirators, how and where to build over flow hospitals… Reality is look at a significant portion of respirators provided by the Feds… They didn’t work, needed parts, etc. All we had to do was take an inventory
Absolutely she did, how did you know? I showed her double chiNN and Alfredo’s posts and she got so excited she pissed everywhere… I asked her if she was ok, she said yes and that it was her best day ever… I asked her why? She told me she finally had found 2 humans that are dumber than she is…
Lord, if I let her see the replies from Alfredo and double chiNN to this post she’s liable to crap everywhere… I am sure they’ll be doozies…