
You’re pretty dumb Fred. Still showing them you’re nuts.:smiley::smiley::smiley:


Hopefully Drumpf doesn’t get the Corona or Alfredo, double chiNN, and fishy breeches will all die for sure:


Ok Bob. I spent a little time yesterday night in the Garden, will stop by Dad’s after work and do a little weeding in his. Eases the mind, simple no thinking task that provides a wonderful reward. Here’s one for you since you seem to like the fart thing. Wife hates South Park but I kind of like it

Alfredo, Perhaps your Demagogue can join you in your quality alone time in the garden…


They were talking on the radio about peoples doctors canceling appointments. April is my yearly doctor appointment month. Everything been canceled including my dentist.
Blood work
EEG and MRI. Traumatic head injuries.
MRI of neck. Losing feeling in left arm. Pressure on spinal cord from break.
Ultrasound thyroid polyps
CAT scan of lung polyp on lung.
Was also due for my 3-year camera up the keister.
Couple of them things are pretty important. But no idea when they will reschedule any of them.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

If you know what this is .Stay at home. In the high-risk group!!

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

I don’t want to give it away but I have some on my Farmall Cub.

Any other helpful points…


I tried to start a new topic but could not.Fish were biting good today at BP.You ain’t the only one OTC

I helped a friend about a year ago put a clutch in a Farmall Cub. His brother had bought it to restore. And then was diagnosed with cancer. We got it going and his brother got to drive it. He passed about a week later. My friend has since completely restored it,

What’s the BP? We have a BP 25 here at the North end. Offshore

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Bushy park on the Cooper River

I can not only set the gap, but dwell as well.

Point of interest cut your plug gap in half to set point gap. Will get you close.

I’ve got an old still chain saw, 601, golden Jubilee, 2000, + a few more things that still run points. Biggest help to long life is running a resistor to the coil dropping full voltage. Or at least that’s what has helped me. Or better yet, go with a conversion kit from points to electronic ignition.

Scratch on those points with the strike part of a matchbook and gap it with the cover…that’s if you can find a book of matches.
To hell with electronic ignition. When it quits…your done.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Y’all best keep your old a$$es at home.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Hey fishes breeches, I have a question for you…

Why would Drumpf do this on February 7th?


Let’s discuss this one just a bit RBF. We all know you will post anything to bash Trump while I mostly try and defend him. Let’s get over that for a bit.
On February 7, Dr. Li Wenliang, the Chinese ophthalmologist who sounded the alarm about COVID-19, succumbed to the virus. After sending a WeChat message to a group of other doctors about the virus’ spread, he was detained by the Chinese government and forced to sign a statement denouncing his warning as an unfounded and illegal rumor.</font id=“blue”>

How could anyone in the World know at that time that this ONE individual was telling the truth? In your logic The World should just shut down from ONE unknown source. That is lunacy. After things were studied and the Truth of CHina’s lies came out, Trump did shut down travel to your sides dismay, then He shut down most all of America. Saving untold lives. Could he have down things differently with Current Knowledge? Of Course!! But no one on this Earth has a magical crystal ball to see into the future.

Want some hindsight thinking… This virus was in America and killing people long before we knew anything about it. How do you explain the massive numbers of Chinese travelers into California and so little cases? I know, they had cases back in Oct, Sept, and Nov. they just didn’t know what it was until now after finding so many in California with Wuhan antibodies/ herd immunity. Then it later peaked in N.Y. as it traveled outward in highly congested Cities. Our Government and media’s not gonna come out and tell us that, and if Trump did, he’d be crucified.

Here is some speculative thinking, If Hillary had been elected and serving as President during these times we would not have had Gun stores open and the bail

It’s the State’s responsibility, but the Federal Government f>cked up and sent off valuable equipment? Old news, that some want to forget.

Typical trump admin dysfunction …

Have you heard the latest that 88% put on ventilators die from this thing? We are learning all kinds of new stuff about this bug from China. Now doctors are prescribing Blood thinners as it is being thought Blood clots caused by the Wuhan virus are what’s killing people after several autopsies on some younger patients.

Just think if China would have been truthful with us from the start how much further we would be with treatment and hopefully a cure. China has stated they only had 2000ish deaths, but new reports are putting it past 40,000deaths.

I love it snitches get stitches

Something for you to watch while you’re on the can.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.