
Just so RBF knows I have been working on a meal plan, for the bunker. Moral will be important. I will see too it that the chosen few don’t go hungry. Heres to you George[:slight_smile:

If Alfredo is joining us, then I’ll need to find 3 more blind hotties… And, with how he argues all the time, they’ll have to be deaf too… Alfredo may end up with 3 blind deaf trannies with this short of a notice…


OOPS you caught me editing:smiley:

Sorry about that, but Alfredo is still stuck with the 3 blind deaf trannies… :smiley:

Also, the food looks delicious! Helluva chef you beez…



no trannies and the day for 3 of anything are done. just give me a ham samich and a promise.

Ha, were getting the band back together:smiley:

Good read

another one

video at bottom of article explains the skewed mortality rate to create this crisis

People are borderline panicking. Look at the grocery stores the gun stores. People are hoarding with no concern for their fellow man. Just imagine if this continues into hurricane season and we have a storm. We had to drive to Georgia today to take my daughter food. Screwed up my fishing !! She’s been hitting all the grocery stores every day for the last 2 weeks. Just getting enough to get by. She told me about someone getting the last 6 loaves of bread on the shelf. Cashier told her 2 loaf limit. Woman flipped out on her she let her have all 6.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Sorry to hear about that Otc. I wouldn’t worry about a loaf of bread,try and find some flour or corn meal and show her how to make bread.

What is going on?

Why are hospital staff posting they are out of masks? Why doesn’t the Governor declare Marshall Law and take the masks? Why don’t these stores call their local health departments and say we got masks???

What happened to the America I grew up with? Is it that broken? This is on the State level.

Availability??? Open your eyes.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Not too worried over a loaf of bread just the way that woman acted. I’m afraid that’s just a sign of what’s to come. Thanks to my wife my daughter does possess the knowledge to make bread . Me not so much. Just Disappointed in her and my son in law for not being prepared. They should have had at least a 30 day food supply on hand. Preached that for years. Wife and I have even given them a number of storage containers for dry goods.
In the past week or so I managed to fill their regular grocery order plus a little. Without getting greedy.
And we cut into our stash. & carried them another couple weeks worth of groceries. Also 10 days of SHTF supplies.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I have family and friends that are Nurses…they are getting more people being admitted with the virus every day.

Makes me wonder just how many people have a clue on making bread? My wife still makes some on rainy days to go with soup. An old polish recipe from her great grandmother. Makes the house smell good!

Andrew Mark Cuomo sure has had a good speech on Fox this morning regarding Corona. the Dems need to put him in the place of Biden. This thing is far from over.

How to make bread is only a Youtube video away nowadays! :slight_smile:

Bread is the problem? The problem is health care officials and people that deal with pandemics have been sounding the alarm for decades that it is not a matter of if, but when a serious outbreak will occur. Let’s be honest if our front line workers are running out of basic simple supplies in the first couple of weeks into a pandemic we have failed to give them what they need in order to protect themselves, their families, and the nation as a whole. It would be the equivelent of handing our soldiers base ball bats and asking them to fight the Russian army. The relatively low mortality rate is the only thing that is preventing large numbers of people from dying all across the world right now. If you pair the high mortality rate of something like ebola with a 50% mortality rate, with one of these highly contageous flues. The health care syestem will fold, the economy will collapse ,and starving people will figure out ways to feed their families. We are getting a small glimpse of how things would go down. Imagine if the death rate were 50% which happened with ebola “recently” vs the couple of percentage points of this corona viris. It would be devastating. Hopefully folks will “get” how potentially dangerous these pandemics can become. Some are not so bad, but the potential for them to be much worse is real. As I wrote this we just got a phone call from the school. They have positive tests for corona at Wando. I’m glad they shut it down when they did. It would have spread quickly amoungst the kids and they would have brought it home to older folks in their families who may have not done so well with it. Yesterday my wife got a call from her secretary who she works side by side with every day. Her secretary is sick and had symptoms like the flu. She called the doctor and he told her not to come in and he prescribed her flu meds over the phone. She was also given a number to call at MUSC and was set up a video conference with a doctor. The MUSC doctor says she needs to be tested for the corona virus and told h

[quote]Bread is the problem? The problem is health care officials and people that deal with pandemics have been sounding the alarm for decades that it is not a matter of if, but when a serious outbreak will occur. Let’s be honest if our front line workers are running out of basic simple supplies in the first couple of weeks into a pandemic we have failed to give them what they need in order to protect themselves, their families, and the nation as a whole. It would be the equivelent of handing our soldiers base ball bats and asking them to fight the Russian army. The relatively low mortality rate is the only thing that is preventing large numbers of people from dying all across the world right now. If you pair the high mortality rate of something like ebola with a 50% mortality rate, with one of these highly contageous flues. The health care syestem will fold, the economy will collapse ,and starving people will figure out ways to feed their families. We are getting a small glimpse of how things would go down. Imagine if the death rate were 50% which happened with ebola “recently” vs the couple of percentage points of this corona viris. It would be devastating. Hopefully folks will “get” how potentially dangerous these pandemics can become. Some are not so bad, but the potential for them to be much worse is real. As I wrote this we just got a phone call from the school. They have positive tests for corona at Wando. I’m glad they shut it down when they did. It would have spread quickly amoungst the kids and they would have brought it home to older folks in their families who may have not done so well with it. Yesterday my wife got a call from her secretary who she works side by side with every day. Her secretary is sick and had symptoms like the flu. She called the doctor and he told her not to come in and he prescribed her flu meds over the phone. She was also given a number to call at MUSC and was set up a video conference with a doctor. The MUSC doctor says she needs to be tested for the corona virus and

Fred the good news is they will probably have a ventilator at this point:smiley: I highly doubt it’s corona. It could be many things. I would think if it was corona that we would see other people in her family or mine that are sick due to how contagious it is. I also agree with you about Cuomo being a much better choice over Biden. I’m not sure Biden would be “all right” with the incredible amount of stress that the position is going through. Cuomo seems to get that now is not the time to play politics, he seems to be level headed and pretty smart.

How quickly the tune changes and it’s the Federal Governments fault New York is in big trouble:

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Hope they don’t try to pull that here.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.