Cost Share

Staying in Litchfield the 21st - 27th. Looking for a ride out for whatever bites. Murrells Inlet, G-town, or the Strand area. Will help with gas, bait, ice, etc.

Booked a ride out on Capt. Dicks gulf stream trip on Wed as you folks suggested…will post results when we get back. Thanks.

Full refund from Capt Dicks today. Fished two spots with limited success and on the way to the third, the rudder broke. Despite best efforts of Capt and crew, it was not reparable, so we headed for the barn. Capt did a good job playing with the two engines to get us back in, even put it back in the slip! Rain and waterspouts, not much in the way of fish during the hour or so we got to fish.