Could it be just a cycle?

I know this has been discussed enough to make us vomit, but could it be just as simple as an Earth cycle? That would be too easy right? Why would the Earth be that warm way back in 60’s?

Of course it is. They are looking at a very very small piece of the earths time and claiming it represents ALL of its time.

If they had a sarcasm button, I would have used it! :wink:

I hear ya. It is sad that this is what it has come to. The Govt entities are skewing real data for the political position. What makes it worse is that NOAA is doing it, when did they because a political entity.

As a contractor for NOAA, I do wish you all would acquire more knowledge before you speak. I’m not going to go into it here, because it will not change any minds. But there are significant flaws, biases, and assumptions made in the above quoted article.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

xman that’s impossible. That there is real climate science, it even says it in the url.

You will never convince me that using 30, 50, 100 years as a measuring stick will be an accurate representation of the planets life span.
This “science” is nothing more than gaming the numbers in their direction.

Maybe the earth is getting warmer or maybe it isn’t. The sad fact is the people just don’t trust the Federal Government to tell them the truth.


I still want to know how the ocean got from GT Hole (the old edge of the continent) to Charleston… I mean, what type of hairspray did the cavemen use to create such a drastic rise in sea level?

Come on skinneej, everyone knows dinosaur farts caused that. DUH…

Originally posted by skinneej

I still want to know how the ocean got from GT Hole (the old edge of the continent) to Charleston… I mean, what type of hairspray did the cavemen use to create such a drastic rise in sea level?

This almost made me spit my drink on my keyboard :smiley:

Originally posted by xman

As a contractor for NOAA, I do wish you all would acquire more knowledge before you speak. I’m not going to go into it here, because it will not change any minds. But there are significant flaws, biases, and assumptions made in the above quoted article.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

your post is irrelevant without you enlightening us to the misquotes. Don’t assume anything. If you were to give me good concrete answers to prove “climate change” and the main reason is due to man, then my mind can change. No one has provided that thus far! See skinnej posts about the GT hole. I mean was land never that far out? We know it was farther inland also. All of this just proves to me that the Earth has been going through climate change since it’s inception and has gone through many cycles before man even had a chance to affect it. Is the data in the graph wrong? Was it not really as hot back in the early 1900’s as it is now? What about farther back in time? Could one BIG volcano eruption cool the Earth drastically? Has that ever happened before?

I am with FISH8 here (man, did i really just type that! :slight_smile: ), I just thing the data pool is just too small compared to Earth’s age to really come to a conclusion.

Don’t you understand? If we don’t do something right now, this very minute, it may be…

oh dammm too late

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Originally posted by skinneej

I still want to know how the ocean got from GT Hole (the old edge of the continent) to Charleston… I mean, what type of hairspray did the cavemen use to create such a drastic rise in sea level?

Good point. Screw the planet. KEEP ON ROLLIN’ THAT COAL BOYS!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Good point. Screw the planet. KEEP ON ROLLIN’ THAT COAL BOYS!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Hmmmm.... I 100% believe that pollution is bad. When I spent a month in India, I had to go indoors to get a breath of fresh air. It was horrible. You could still smell gas fumes in your nose 30 minutes after walking inside. I think we do need clean air, clean water, clean spaces to play in, etc...

But, as you can see, that has nothing to do with “Global Climate Change” induced by humans… The point being, we could quit using oil and hairspray tomorrow and the climate would still change over time.

Originally posted by xman

As a contractor for NOAA, I do wish you all would acquire more knowledge before you speak. I’m not going to go into it here, because it will not change any minds. But there are significant flaws, biases, and assumptions made in the above quoted article.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Also, used to be a contractor for NOAA that worked for years on a system to make ocean data (temps, current, salinity, bathymetry, etc.) available real time (IOOS). I was hip deep in this stuff for years.

I know from those years of experience and from the work done by, that there is no possible way to predict climate, as many have claimed to do, in the climate models.

Sat across the table from Tom Karl et. al. in conferences and know exactly what their data looks like.

I will reiterate, NOAA/NWS understands that their surface temps record includes a lot of crappy data. This is clear when you realize they created the Climate Reference Network which excludes all the surface stations that don’t meet the NWS’s own specifications for station sighting and maintenance.

When you look at the population of data that includes the crappy data (near A/C outlets, sited in airport jet wash areas, in the middle of parking lots, etc.), there is warming. But, that warming is the result of those sites having been pristine when installed and then subjected to encroachment from suburbia over decades.

When you exclude those crappy sites, as the Climate Reference Network does, nearly all of the warming goes away. NOAA knows this and it NEVER makes it into a press release. Why? If climate change is not a HUUUGE risk to the planet, then NOAAs budget shrinks. It is that simple.

The good, solid, unmolested data shows the climate models to be useless. Understanding that sente

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Good point. Screw the planet. KEEP ON ROLLIN’ THAT COAL BOYS!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Hmmmm.... I 100% believe that pollution is bad. When I spent a month in India, I had to go indoors to get a breath of fresh air. It was horrible. You could still smell gas fumes in your nose 30 minutes after walking inside. I think we do need clean air, clean water, clean spaces to play in, etc...

But, as you can see, that has nothing to do with “Global Climate Change” induced by humans… The point being, we could quit using oil and hairspray tomorrow and the climate would still change over time.

Why were you in India for a month?

Originally posted by xman

As a contractor for NOAA, I do wish you all would acquire more knowledge before you speak. I’m not going to go into it here, because it will not change any minds. But there are significant flaws, biases, and assumptions made in the above quoted article.

I’ve seen the NOAA make too many mistakes in the past to have much confidence.

For example:

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - The Messiah

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Why were you in India for a month?

I used to work for Microsoft. I basically helped set up the support site in Bangalore for SQL Server...